A familiar sight was laid bare before the girl, broken pieces of black furniture resting upon the floor as a body sat upon a hard bed. 'That conniving bastard... I'm gonna make sure he gets a bullet in between those eyes of his... right through that fancy ass hat of his~!' she planned, gleefully giggling at the wonderful thought of being able to see his cold, lifeless, body surrounded by a pool of his own warm blood.
A trio of thumps resounded from the thick metal door, followed by a girl appearing before Chloe. An inquisitive expression appeared on her countenance before a large grin exploded onto the scene as she looked around the room, clearly amused.
"Don't worry Newbie! You'll soon come to find out that we all feel the same way!" she paused to garner if the other girl had any reaction to this new piece of information, "Now, Now. We'll put this large mess behind us and continue onwards into your new room! You didn't think that big bitch would force us to stay in these depressing wittle holes, now did ya?" she sang.
Luscious grey locks flowed down her back as she fiddled with the knives sheathed upon her waist belt, as if unable to stay still for a long period of time. Seeing no reaction from her orange haired kin, she strolled over to her before picking the small girl up and putting her into a princess carry.
"You see how strong I am? Well, your gonna have to be at least this strong if you're gonna survive here. They don't call us the suicide squad for nothing ya know! I'm the longest lasting of us, 3 whole months! Usually newbies don't last more than one or two "missions"!" she expounded on the severity of their situation with an unusually happy attitude, unbefitting for their current situation.
Walking out of the door and into the main room that Chole had visited only once before, Evelynn strolled towards a new set of doors revealing another room which held ten beds, five on each side of the long chamber.
"This is our main room for sleeping! There are only ten beds cuz there has never been more than 10 members at a time in the stinger squadron!" she pridefully explained, as if she wanted Chloe to burst out in applause at how long she'd persevered in this hell hole.
Throwing Chloe onto one of the beds, a pile of various books on the human body, hand-to-hand combat and guns appeared next to her on a wooden bedside table.
"Those injuries ya got there don't seem too deep, nor super duper recent. You should be fine to start doing some physical training. Whilst you are recovering from that, spend all your time reading. It's the only way you're gonna be able to see that special someone of yours!" she seriously instructed, breaking her past cheerful façade, before starting to exit the room.
A slim outreached hand tugged on her clothes as Chloe began to speak, "I've never done physical training before. Teach me." she asked, her orange locks covering up her expression.
A large smile crept her way up onto Evelyn's face, before she accepted on one condition, "Sure! What's the name newbie? I'm sure you know, but mine's Evelyn! Call me Eve!" she cheerfully enquired.
"Chloe. Chloe Barker." she solemnly mumbled.
"Sounds familiar... an arsonist? No... that's not it.... a terrorist? Not that either.... Ah! The murderer, right?" Evelyn enquired.
The small girl nodded her head in response, not at all ashamed by the lives she'd ended.
"Welcome to hell! One or two are rookie numbers! Hey, I guess that fits you doesn't it!" she gleamed.
Grasping onto Chloe's hand, the taller of the two spoke, "Wear'em and meet me outside. I'll teach ya the ropes!" she pointed towards a new set of clothes hidden under her bed. They seemed to be a bit large for the girl.

No More Tears (Female Yandere x Male Reader)
عاطفيةRead Time: 4h 11m Chloe Barker loses her father in a tragic drunk driving accident which changes the course of her life. Her mother, beside with grief, blames the death on her daughter, who finds that the only person she can rely on is her best frie...