Act 1 - Chapter 11 - Conflict

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A hollow cry erupted as a mass of metal swung open, releasing a putrid stench emitted from the rotting body located directly below.

The once grey coloured floor had now been turned a dull crimson, most of the dried red substance culminating at one point of the corpse's skull, where a large crevice appeared upon it's lifeless cranium.

"Bawahahahah" erupted a jovial laugh. Standing atop the basement's staircase stood a large figure who had similar features Derrick, equipped with a large grin upon his countenance.

"Derrick, my son, you always engaged in quite the blood thirsty activities, just as I did when I was young! However, It would seem that you did not also inherit my cautious nature! I've seen the CCTV footage and I must say, that little girl gave you a run for your money!" the man said, another series of deep laughter sounded out, echoing around the basement.

A multitude of thunderous metal pangs sounded out as the large figure slowly descended down the metal staircase, which seemingly groaned under his weight.

Now standing next to the corpse, the man lifted Derrick's lifeless body on top of his shoulder and exited the basement. "My dear son, do not fret! I shall personally get revenge for you!" he claimed, as he read a sheet of information, containing the small girl's name, place of residence and almost everything about her.

A plethora of men and women, all of which had guns and tasers holstered upon their waist, gathered around a rectangular table, an authoritarian figure seated at the farthest end of the long table sat firm.

A deep voice sounded out, demanding the attention of all the important people seated around the table, "As you may know, my precious and harmless little girl, Natasha, has recently been killed by that despicable "Prideful Lion" gang! Their actions might as well have been a declaration of war, with me, the Chief of the capitol's police force!" informed the large man, a large frown present upon his countenance.

The whole table burst out in surprise, collectively thinking the same thought. 'That gang is being this forward? They've been lurking in the shadows for the better part of 50 years!'

The large man sighed before continuing to speak, "After their loss against their mortal enemy the "Crystal Palace", famous for dominating the drug market, they've been on the down low for the better part of this century. It seems that they've finally gathered enough power to feel confident to draw war with us!" he confidently exclaimed, no doubt in his mind that his police force would obtain an overwhelming victory over the gang.

Cheers erupted from within the room, before another policeman burst through the door attempting to say something, "Sir! The head of the Prideful Lion gang, Epsilon Maxwell, has come to-" abruptly being cut short as a bullet entered his brain, consequently falling limp onto the blue carpet, now stained crimson.

The sound of gun's being cocked back burst throughout the room as 30 or so men, some heavily wounded, walked into the room, a large man in formal attire standing in front. If one were to look at the corridor behind them, a scarlet graveyard could be used to describe the scene.

"Thomas! Long time no see, friend of mine!" said Maxwell, his arms stretching out as If he wished to hug the large man that was ten or so metres in front of him.

"Epsilon. Do you know the meaning of what you've done to my little harmless Natasha?" seethed the police chief. "You'll never leave here alive!" he added, a giant smile grew onto his countenance.

At the mention of the purple haired girl, Maxwell gleamed back at the large man.

"Actually, friend of mine, you should be thanking me! I know who actually killed little miss princess that you adore so much! They should be thinking that they got away with it scot free by now!" he maliciously smiled, his fedora tipped forward covering his eyes which held a distinct look of bloodlust.

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