The pool and new friends

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Prompt:Dino and his friend sneak into the pool at lunch not aware of prying eyes watching them.

It was 6:00 am on a beautiful Tuesday morning when Dino's friend I.N had called him. "What is it?"he asked as he picked up the call."Okay so i was thinking since we never do anything during break why not go to the pool?"I.N said excitement was clear in his voice. "Okay." Dino said as he held the phone between his ear and shoulder so he could put his pants on. Throwing on a baggy shirt that showed off his collar bone. "Okay so pack extra clothes." "will do." Chan replied while hanging up the call.

When Dino reached the school he immediately went towards his locker where I.N was waiting for him. Though going to his locker meant he was directly in the middle of his upperclassmen. Which was awkward cause it felt like he was interrupting whatever conversation they were having before he came. Thankfully I.N was on the other side of the hall directly across from Dino's locker but in the middle of another group of upperclassmen.

"Dino-ah!" I.N exclaimed as he walked up to the boy, a slight bounce in his step. When he reached the boy he grabbed his hand before pulling him to his locker. "Hurry up because classes start soon and I know you don't wanna be late." I.N said as he held his friends bag as he unlocked his locker.

"That and you just don't want to be held in the classroom during break."Dino said as he finished getting what he needed and closed the locker. "You little shit!" I.N slightly yelled as he pushed Dino into the locker behind him before trying to tickle him. The two were too busy play fighting with each other that they paid no attention to the upperclassmen next to them.

Well not until Dino bumped into one of them when he fell while trying to run away from his friend. Though he never made contact with the floor, having been caught by his upperclassmen. "Oh I'm sorry!" Dino exclaimed while moving away from the person and bowing.

"No need to worry, it's fine." The upperclassmen said while waving his hand in a way to try and tell the boys that it was alright. "But–!" The boy started but was cut off by someone yelling for him and I.N. He turned around to look at who called them. "Hi Jackson/Babe!" He and I.N yelled at the boy while waving at him. 

"Hey! What have y'all been up to?" He asked when he reached the two, giving Dino a kiss and giving I.N a fist bump. "Man, would you stop kissing my friend? You know he doesn't like PDA." I.N said as he pushed Jackson away from a blushing Dino. "Well he's my boyfriend." Jackson said as he stuck his tongue out at I.N. "Well we should get going. I'll see you later babe okay?" Dino said while separating the two boys

"I'm sorry for bumping into you." Dino said while turning to face the upperclassmen just then noticing the rest of his friends had been watching the entire time. "It's alright." The upperclassmen said again while turning to look at the younger once again. "Hey, your name is 'Lee Chan' right?" Another one of the upperclassmen asked while leaning on his locker.

"Huh? Oh yeah my name is 'Lee Chan'!" Dino exclaimed, confused on how the upperclassmen knew his name. "We share the same History class. Lee Seokmin." The newly introduced upperclassmen said.

"Oh! I remember you. You sit behind ummm... what's her name again?" He started but turned and asked his friend who was leaning against the locker on his phone. "Who's name?" I.N asked as he moved off the locker and opened it to look at the seating chart.

"Her name is Lauren." I.N said while looking at the chart. "Oh yeah it is Lauren." Dino said while looking at the chart himself seeing that she is seated behind him and behind her is Seokmin. "Yeah, two of my friends share dance class with you." Seokmin added while pointing towards the two Chinese boys who were watching with an unreadable expression.

"Oh I remember you guys I wanted to tell you that you did really well on your dance finals but" Dino started but came to a stop when he realized he had been rambling. "He was too shy to walk up to you." I.N said as he reappeared from the locker that he had subsequently been shoved in a few seconds prior. "Would you be quiet?!" Dino sneered at his friend while trying to shove him back into the locker.

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