A Visit To The Castle

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Dino was sitting on the bus quietly not paying attention to anything, the song "Burn For You" By Barlow & Bear playing in his headphones as he leaned his head against the window, his eyes closed. He was currently on a class trip to a castle so they can meet actual royalty. He didn't even know there was a castle anywhere near the school.

When they got off the bus Dino put on a pair of sunglasses to block out the sun before immediately taking them off when they entered the palace. Dino looked around a bit while taking mental pictures of everything. Soon they made it to a room and they entered it and Dino took note of the 12 men that were standing in the middle of the room.

"Hello kids. Who's excited to be here?" one of the kings said and everyone cheered. Well everyone but Dino who was staring at the back of some kids' heads counting their gray hairs. He mimicked a cheer when everyone else cheered not knowing what had been said but just going along with it.

"Good, good. I hope you've all had a wonderful trip here. I'm Jeonghan and these are my brothers, Hoshi, Woozi, Dokyeom, Seungkwan, Vernon, Seungcheol, Minghao, Junhui, Joshua, Mingyu, and Wonwoo." Jeonghan said and surprisingly Dino was paying attention when he was speaking now. Everyone listened to the ridiculously long list as Dino took in the appearance of the kings.

'They look...nice I suppose.' He thought to himself before looking away, subconsciously pulling a face as he looked at his teacher who was taking pictures of everything. She was looking at the pictures she took and then looked at Dino who was staring at the ground and then back at the picture she had taken of him staring at a painting earlier. She smiled a bit before shaking her head slightly.

'Let's go down this way." Jeonghan said after a small speech that Dino paid no mind to but he walked alongside his classmates as they walked down a long hall. Dino was listening to "Can't Sleep Love" By Pentatonix and he was bopping his head to the beat while dancing around a bit. He wasn't worried about his classmates seeing him because he was at the back of the group but what he didn't notice was his teacher and a few of the kings behind him talking while watching him.

Dino had spun around a bit and was now facing them but his head was down as he danced around a bit still while mouthing the words to the song. He looked up and froze in shock before turning around and walking like normal. He had the song on loop though so he couldn't resist dancing to the beat.

At this point he didn't really care so when they reached their destination he made a show of moonwalking into the room stopping next to his classmate and friend Yang Jeongin. The two exchanged a handshake which ended in the spinning around each other before they gave their full focus to the kings.

Well Jeongin gave his full attention to them. Dino was listening to them but he was also listening to music. "We're gonna let you guys experience what it's like to be princes and princesses today." Hoshi said, which gained a cheer from most of the students. Dino nodded to himself listening to what he said.

"We're also aware that it's gender swap day at your school. So boys will be princesses and girls will be princes." Seungcheol said and the girls started cheering while most of the boys groaned. "That's not that bad." Dino whispered to Jeongin who nodded in agreement.

Wonwoo stepped forward and bowed silently with a polite smile on his face. The girls giggled and whispered about how good looking he was. Woozi stepped forward and bowed as well which gained more whispers and giggles. "Wonwoo and Woozi shall guide the boys to the changing rooms while Mrs. Lee will take the girls." Jeonghan said and all the girls pouted and whined in disappointment.

Wonwoo started walking while gesturing for the boys to follow him. Jeongin and Dino stuck to the back of the group right next to each other as they danced around a bit to the faint music they could hear throughout the room. When they made it to the changing room Dino and Jeongin were quick to grab a dress and try them on. 

After a bit of goofing around and embarrassing themselves in front of the kings (Well to the other boys in their class it was embarrassing. Dino and Jeongin dgaf) they finally settled for a dress. Dino going with a plain yellow ball gown. Like the one Belle wore in Beauty and the Beast. While Dino went for something a bit more extravagant. 

(Dino's dress)

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(Dino's dress)

When Dino showed off the dress he was wearing Jeongin randomly started singing "Burn For You" which made Dino hit him. When they were guided out of the changing room Dino was basically hiding behind Jeongin. "Who's ready to learn how to waltz?" Hoshi yelled and everyone cheered. The kings spent about an hour teaching them the waltz before Jun played some music and they left the children to their own devices letting them do the waltz with whomever they wanted.

As everyone was distracted Dino and Jeongin slipped away from the group and sat in the changing room just talking to each other about anything and everything. Jeongin left to go use the bathroom which left Dino alone in the changing room. He leaned against the wall and put his headphones in, closing his eyes and letting his mind drift off.

After a bit he felt a gloved hand take one of his headphones and he turned to see Vernon sitting next to him, Dino's headphone in his ear as he listened to whatever was playing while reading a book. "Your teacher is looking for you." Vernon said and Dino hummed but made no attempt to move.

"I told Jeonghan and Seungcheol Hyung where you were. And yes I did watch you and your friend come in here." Vernon said and Dino opened his eyes slightly to look at him before randomly turning around to see the kings behind them making him flinch back in surprise.

He wordlessly got up and bowed at them before trying to leave the room only to be stopped by Seungkwan who smiled at him. Just then the boys returned to get changed. Dino got changed before leaving the room and waiting for everyone to be finished. When all the students were done getting changed they were led back to the front door. When they got there Minghao gave them a mini speech before letting them leave.

As Dino walked past them Vernon stuck his earbud in his pocket alongside a note. Dino got on the bus and nodded at Jeongin who was sitting in the back of the bus before sitting in the seat opposite of him. As they drove away from the palace and back to their school Dino put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the note, unfolding it and reading it.

"Can't sleep love is a good song. But I prefer 'From Persephone'. But if you disagree, meet me here @2:30pm tomorrow. * insert address*"

Dino smiled and nodded to himself. He then put both earbuds in and played the other song on the note, closing his eyes and letting his mind wander. 

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