Overprotective Brother (To Be Added Onto)

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Requested by @sunny_lee1

Whoever told Vernon it would be easy dating someone with 11 older brothers was dead wrong. Vernon was currently sitting in his boyfriend's living room watching the TV while he had five pillows separating him and his boyfriend so they couldn't touch each other in any way. He could feel the eyes boring into the side of his head from across the room.

He got up to use the bathroom after a little while and he made eye contact with Seungcheol, his boyfriend's oldest brother. He gulped and looked away before going into the bathroom. When he left the bathroom while drying his hands only to be met with all 11 of his boyfriend's brothers. He bowed nervously and they stared at him for a bit more before walking away.

He sighed in relief before going back to the living room. He sat down and continued watching the TV with his bf before he got interrupted by a call. He pulled out his phone to see it was a call from his dad. "Hello?" Vernon said in English after answering the phone.

"Do you have the car?"

"No, mom has it. She had a doctor's appointment and took the car since her's is still at the shop."

"Alright then. I'll walk home. Bye."

"Bye dad."

Vernon then hung up the phone and was about to turn it off when he received a text from his mom saying she was waiting to pick him up outside. Vernon looked at Dino and showed him the message. "Let me walk you out." Dino said and stood up leading Vernon outside. When they were outside Verno turned to look at Dino and smiled at him before leaving in and kissing his cheek.

Dino smiled and turned Vernon's head towards the car where Vernon's mom was watching them. Vernon chuckled and looked at Dino swiftly leaning forward and pecking his lips before rushing to get into the car as the front door was ripped open and Mingyu tried to grab him. Dino giggled watching his brothers yell at Vernon as the car drove away and he went back inside turning the TV off before going to his room.

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