He Likes A Boy (BooChan)

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I'm done with school for the year so I'll have more time to edit and finalize drafts so I can publish them :)

The ex/crush mention is not Vernon T^T 

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

And I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy

I'm not a b-

A fourteen year old Lee Chan sat next to a guy on the school bus one day. Except at this point in time he wasn't Lee Chan. He was Lee Chaemin. A fourteen year old girl who felt out of place in her body. Next to her was her best friend at the time. Boo Seungkwan. Seungkwan was talking about how he wanted to experience the American dream. All the while he kept direct eye contact with the girl next to him.

At 14, Kwannie talked about teenage dreams

On the bus and he's looking at me

A fourteen year old Lee Chan sat next to a guy on the school bus one day. Except at this point in time he wasn't Lee Chan. He was Lee Chaemin. A fourteen year old girl who felt out of place in her body. Next to her was her best friend at the time. Boo Seungkwan. Seungkwan was talking about how he wanted to experience the American dream. All the while he kept direct eye contact with the girl next to him.

Talking about life and his dog and the boys that he likes

I ask, "Have you got someone in mind?"

As Seungkwan kept ranting about his type in boys, Chaemin, who was confused with the vague information, asked if he had someone in mind. But didn't know just how much he would internally regret and appreciate that answer.

He's at the all-boys school

He says something about liking his height

Suddenly worried about mine

As Seungkwan kept ranting on and on about his crush, Chaemin couldn't help the ache that slowly formed in her chest.

بياخد مخدرات (He takes drugs)

و هوا بيتعلم سواق(He is learning to drive)

بيقضي وقت معها(He spends time with him)

Seungkwan clearly had a type when it came to guys and had no actual interest in dating a girl. That afternoon when Chaemin got home she went straight to her room and stared at herself in the mirror before breaking down in tears and grabbing a pair of scissors, cutting her hair. She kept cutting off chunks of her hair until she had managed to cut it into a boyish style. She grabbed a roll of bandages after taking off her shirt and undershirt, wrapping her chest and putting back on her shirt. She smiled at what she saw in the mirror

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

And I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy

I'm not a boy, I'm not a-

She kept cutting off chunks of her hair until she had managed to cut it into a boyish style. She grabbed a roll of bandages after taking off her shirt and undershirt, wrapping her chest and putting back on her shirt. She smiled at what she saw in the mirror

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

"Lee Chan...I'm Lee Chan. Not Lee Chaemin." He told himself. The name felt more like himself than Chaemin did. He felt like this was him. It was perfect. He couldn't think of anything else that would be better than that. He cleaned up his hair and washed his face off before going and changing into his pajamas, going right to sleep.

And I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy

His parents were upset when they found out, obviously. But he didn't care. Seungkwan supported him and that was enough. Though he couldn't bear to see Seungkwan fawning over someone else while Chan's heart beat for the older. He filled the younger's heart with so many lovely feelings. But he was so oblivious to the feelings the boy held for him. But Chan couldn't bring himself to tell the older.

I'm not a boy, I'm not a-

Accustomed to making a move

مش ها قدر اشرح(I can't explain it)

Why I'm feeling the way that I do

أحساس جديد الي(A new feeling to me)

His parents were upset when they found out, obviously. But he didn't care. Seungkwan supported him and that was enough. Though he couldn't bear to see Seungkwan fawning over someone else while Chan's heart beat for the older. He filled the younger's heart with so many lovely feelings. But he was so oblivious to the feelings the boy held for him. But Chan couldn't bring himself to tell the older.

He's half-Greek with a pretty face

Strawberry lipgloss, oh, it's wasted

On this dumb boy who likes the chase

Chan and Seungkwan were now 16 and 18. Seungkwan had gotten with the crush he told Chan all about that day on the bus and Chan couldn't help but scowl as he watched the couple act all lovey dovey in front of him. It irked him to his core.

But why am I so angry in the first place?

Why am I hurting?

ما تفوقي شوية(Wake up)

He's not your boyfriend

Chan sighs as he looks away from the two. He lost his chance to confess so now he has to live with the consequences and watch his long-time crush be happy with someone else. He should accept that. He should let Seungkwan be happy with who he wants to be.

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

And I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy

I'm not a boy, I'm not a-

Chan had finally moved out of his parents house and into his own apartment. It was about 10 pm when he got a harsh knock on his door. He got off the couch and walked over to the door, opening it and freezing when he saw the sight in front of him. Seungkwan standing in the rain while crying. "H-he ch-cheated on me.." Was all he said before Chan led him inside and gave him some dry clothes and hot food.

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

He likes a boy, He likes a boy

And I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy

I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy

Seungkwan started living with Chan and after a while both forgettwen and new feelings started to bloom between the two until they could no longer hold them in. They shared a sweet and love filled kiss under the stars one drunken night and have been going strong ever since.

I'm "not" a boy

3 years later and the two are happily engaged and ready to face any challenges that come their way. Together. That includes toxic exes that try and crash their engagement party.

Fuck that guy

Chan finally had the man of his dreams and it only took him 7 years, eight months, 38 days, 28 seconds and 1674563 milliseconds.

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