Just wolves

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Prompt: Bunny hybrid Dino's sister brings home 12 Werewolves and they start being really protective of the boy reason unknown to the boys sister

I was sitting in the living room waiting for my sister to return from work. She had called earlier claiming she had a surprise. I spent the past couple of days holed up in my room because I have been having constant nightmares about how my ex assaulted me and left me pregnant. Does my sister know? Of course not! She would go on a killing spree.

I was just about to get off the couch when I heard the door opening and in walked my sister holding 12 leashes which were connected to 12 wolves. I stopped in my tracks trying to process what I was seeing before flipped the lid on her. "Haeun, did you leave your brain somewhere?" I hissed as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a spatula before once again entering the living room.

"If I had known you were bringing home Werewolves I would have covered up my scent and all that crap!" I yelled angrily flailing around the spatula as Haeun walked into the kitchen and took out all the ingredients I would need to make some food for the new guests she brought home.

"I understand that you're upset with me but please do understand that if i didn't bring them here they would have been put down." Haeun said, making me stop my angry muttering and look at the wolves in front of me. "What for? They seem fine." I said while turning to face the kitchen. "For being 'Feral' or some shit." she said using quotation marks around the word feral.

"Feral?" I asked while approaching the wolves who seemed to think of me as a threat. I knelt down in front of them and reached my hand out to one. This one had a muzzle on. The clothes did also but his was more reinforced than the others. "I know what you're thinking about, don't do it." Haeun said while glaring at me but I paid her no mind. I reached behind the wolf's head and unbuckled the muzzle.

I stood up and pet the wolf on the head before walking back into the kitchen and making them food. After the food was done cooking, I shared the food. I placed all twelve bowls down and brought the wolves to the bowls and gave them all an assigned bowl. After setting them up I went and removed all of their muzzles much to my sister's objections. I went to my room and hid all of the muzzles in the crawl space in my closet.

I went to the bathroom and did my night routine before getting in my bed and drifting off to sleep. I woke up a couple of times throughout the night to my sister either yelling at the TV or the wolves that she brought home. This time I had woken up from a nightmare and when I turned on my lamp I was met with a wolf. I sighed and shook my head before moving the covers so I could get out of bed.

When I stood my legs felt like jelly and I stumbled but the wolf was quickly at my side and helping me to the door. When I reached the living room I saw that the rest of the wolves were also awake and were staring at the TV. I patted the wolf on the head as a thank you before walking into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water. While I was drinking I walked into the living room and all the wolves' heads turned to me.

I paid little attention to it though and walked back into the kitchen to put my cup in the sink. When I went to go down the hall I heard the patter of paws behind me and turned to see one of the wolves walking up to me. I pet it's head before entering my room and getting back in bed. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling.

Time skip 

I woke up to the sound of my door being slammed open and my sister screaming her head off. I tried to turn on my side away from my door only for a furry body to be at my side. "Wha...?" I muttered as I felt my sister's arms wrap around me and drag me out of bed. The force she used made me feel sick so when she took me into the hallway I freed myself and stumbled to the bathroom throwing up in the sink.

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