Our Omega

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It was around 5:30 in the morning when I woke up to my mother shaking me and saying something that I wasn't able to understand. "Mama what are you doing?" I asked her as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Come on hurry up we have to clean you up!" she said as she pulled me out of bed and into the bathroom. She helped me go through my entire morning routine since I was tired of doing it myself and kept falling asleep.

After we finished with my morning routine she quickly dragged me into her room where a multitude of dresses were waiting. She kept having me try them on and the ones she decided looked best on me were sitting on her bed and the ones she didn't like were thrown into the corner of her room. We had finally finished trying all of them on and to be honest there were way more in the pile of clothes she liked then the ones she didn't.

After trying all the good dresses back on we finally settled on one both me and her thought looked nice on me.

After all the hectic dressing she tried a light fairy-like makeup style on me before closing the palette and other products she used before putting them in a little bag. While we were eating she finally told me what all the fuss was about. "The king and queen requested all the Eligible boys and girls come to the castle today at noon." she calmly said while polishing a pair of pale pink heels. 

"Eligible for what?'' I asked as I poured myself and my mother a glass of orange juice

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"Eligible for what?'' I asked as I poured myself and my mother a glass of orange juice. "Marriage." She responded by making me choke on the juice I was drinking. "Marriage?'' I asked, repeating what she just said. "If they were looking for an eligible person marry why wouldn't just be the girls?'' I asked one again, not really sure what the reason for this sudden declaration was. "I don't know either but they requested all teens 16 and up that are eligible for marriage. That included boys." she told me as she looked at the clock before paling. "Mama are you okay?'' I questioned as I reached out to touch her shoulder.

"Yes I'm fine but we don't have a lot of time left," she said, making me slightly panic as she pushed me back to her room. She had been growing my hair out over the years saying that since I had feminine features that became more defined as I grew I should be able to have long hair. We did later on when I was older decide on me growing it out but it would be styled like a mullet most of the time.

She did my hair and make-up and tried to remove the piercing in my lip but gave up when I pursed my lips. She sighed and shook her hair mumbling about how she'll give it back to me that evening. I sighed before taking out the piercing but instead of giving it to my mother I stuck it in the bag that contained the make up she used.

She looked around her jewelry for a bit before she handed me a necklace with a Rose Quartz stone. "I wore it the day you were born." she told me, making a soft smile appear on my face. She smiled back at me and kissed me on the forehead before helping me put the heels on and leading me to a carriage that was waiting for us outside. She handed them an envelope with the royal crescent on it and they helped me and my mother into the carriage.

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