Kill For Him

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Another Vampire AU

PROMPT:Dino camps out at an abandoned house he found only to learn that it's occupied.

Author POV

A boy ran through the woods desperately gasping for air. He had gashes in his legs from thorn bushes and tree branches. He was breathing heavily as he ran crying out when an arrow flew past his head.

He made a turn and fell rolling down a small hill into a bush. He groaned in pain but quickly got up and started running again when the sound of thundering footsteps and yelling started getting louder.

He stumbled as he ran, yelping in pain when he tripped over a tree root that was sticking out of the ground. He laid on the ground in pain but quickly crawled into a hole in the tree when the people got closer. He watched warily as the people looked around the area flashing lights at the tree branches above and into bushes.

He waited a good hour even after they had left before he slowly moved from his hiding place. He looked around for any traps they might have placed before he started running again. He ran for a while speeding up when he stepped into a trap that set off a flare. He started sprinting when he had heard the men's voices and soon came across the silhouette of a castle in the distance.

He ran to it and opened the door which took him a while to do so the people chasing him had almost reached the castle by then. He ran in the house and up the stairs into a bedroom and hid in the bathroom after he ran into the closet and got scared by a bat. He looked around the bathroom and marveled at how elegant it seemed. The counter was a marble pattern.

There was a shower that had glass walls and seemed like it was recently used. Dino took into account that the bathroom was kinda warm and there were clothes in the laundry basket. Dino shivered a bit at the thought of a seemingly abandoned house being occupied. He saw another door and walked towards it slowly opened the door and saw that it connected to a bedroom. He slowly entered the bedroom and walked around keeping his footsteps quiet and not making any sound.

He took note of the bed and how it looked freshly made. He took note of the papers scattered along a desk against the left wall. He stalked closer to the bedroom door and quickly ducked away and under the desk when he heard movement outside the door. The door opened not long after and Dino held his breath as he watched someone walk into the room and towards the desk.

Dino silently shifted so he was closer to the wall as the man sat down. Dino watched as multiple other people walked into the room and sat in different spots. He counted them and the end result was there were twelve of them including the male sitting at the desk. He thought about how he would be able to take at least six of them before losing since he took down almost half the men that were chasing him earlier and used most of his energy.

He tried not to flinch as the man in the chair moved slightly but he did ever so slightly move his head back to avoid the man's leg touching him. He was staring off into space and wasn't really paying attention so he was really scared when heade eye contact with one of the mysterious men in the room who smirked before whispering something into the ear of the person next to him who said something in a foreign language. Dino recognized it as Ancient Latin as the pipe sometimes spoke it when quoting the bible.

He yelled when the person in front of him properly sat in the chair reaching under it and grabbing Dino by the shirt. He puts his arms over his head and he's pulled out from under the desk and in between the man's legs since he can't move. The hold on his shirt loosened and Dino scrambled to move from under the desk and run out the room. He was slightly confused on why they didn't try to stop him from leaving but didn't dwell on it too much as he saw the group of people that was chasing him earlier in the hall. He looked around before he ran into a room that was slightly behind him and closed the door behind him.

Dino x SeventeenWhere stories live. Discover now