[ 10 ] One step closer

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"Stop! Please please stop!...Ryder!!" I screamed so loud my voice hurt, sobs coming out as I was watching the mans life fade out of his eyes. But then...it was like a switch

Ryder dropped him instantly before turning around and looking at me. I watched as the men looked around completely and utterly shocked. I looked down at my feet, wiping at my eyes as I heard the men hesitantly bending down to help the man up off the floor.

"Only you are allowed to call me that" he spoke.

It was only eight words, but with them, his husky voice is what got me. I looked back up at him and noticed that the others had left out another door, I hadn't seen.

He took two steps toward me and I watched him do it slowly, painstakingly slowly. His hair was crazed and I longed to comb my hands through it. His eyes that still held anger, had softened considerably as he took my form in. He reached out and before he grabbed my arm, he sniffed in my scent and just like that

He switched.


"He touched you"




Chapter 10:

Katerina's POV

His eyes darkened to the point of being an onyx black and with that, his eyebrows narrowing in fury. I gulped. His eyes locked onto that action, actually his eyes locked onto my every action...it was like he studying me, committing my entire being to memory...to his memory.

"He tou-" He cut himself off, clenching and un-clenching his fist to the point where his skin turned white with strain. I tried to keep the fear and anxiety off my face, in risk of setting him off. It didn't seem to work. He breathed in deeply, eyes narrowing in on me.

He turned suddenly, pelting his couch chair into the wall and cause wooden pieces from the wall to dent and ricochet. I squealed and raised my hands up in defence.

"DAMMIT!" He growled out.

I whimpered.

He turned suddenly at that sound, eyes widening as he took in my fearful stance and expression. He rushed over to me, grabbing my arm and looking at it intensely.

I was bleeding. I was actually bleeding. I looked back into his eyes and all I saw was...pain. Pain and regret. It was gnawing at my heart and all I wanted to do in that moment was to throw my arms around him and console him by telling him I was alright and that everything was going to be alright. My breathing hitched as he suddenly stepped in closer, our bodies just deliciously skimming against each other whenever we made a slight movement. His fingers delicately caressed my arm as he seemed to calm down.

I followed his movements with my eyes before glancing back up at him. His hair had once again fallen slightly in his eyes but I could see how torn up he was...to have hurt me...even if it wasn't deliberately.

"Katerina" He whispered out in silent apology. My body tingled, a sharp shock of electricity ran down my spine. Just hearing him say my name...did strange but wonderful things to me. His hands cradled my face and as he slowly pushed my head up to look at him, his expression caused me to gasp.

He was looking at me...in awe...like I was the most precious thing in his world and it was that look that made me do the unthinkable.

I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck and bringing my body impossibly closer to his. I buried my face into his neck, taking in his scent like this was my last time...Hell it could very well be my last time.

He flinched, clearly shocked and also a bit frightened by what I had done. Oh no. I though. What am I doing? oh my gosh, i'm an idiot.

As soon as I went to unwrap my arms, he tugged them back harshly and wrapped them tightly around his neck again. His body went slack and his hands went to my waist. Clenching and un-clenching. The thought of this being the last time obviously going through his mind as well. I dragged my hand through his hair and ultimately burrowed my head back into the connection between his neck and shoulder.

This feeling...right here...is what I want to be feeling for all eternity. I feel so right...so at home...so safe. His hands slid from my waist to my lower back ever so slowly before he suddenly bandaged his arms tightly around me, bringing me closer...if that was even possible.

I sighed.

He sighed.

He rested his head against mine before whispering in my ear, his breath on the back of my ear lobe causing my body to break out in goosebumps

"I'm sorry" I closed my eyes, my heart beating erratically before replying slowly

"I know" He sighed once again breathing my scent in heavily.

He froze.


He growled, his arms tightening and his claws threatening to come out.

"Get me Fu**ing Jack Kilmen" I'm not sure whether he was meant to be saying that out loud, but I do know that he most likely just ordered someone through his mind link. I pulled back, only making it so far because his arms were so tightly bound around me, almost refusing to let me go.

I looked up at him, with a pleading look in my eyes

"Don't...please...it-it-it was just a si-silly pran-prank" I sputtered, desperately trying to make up some excuse because in all honesty, I have no idea why jack did what he did. Hell I don't know why everything is happening, is happening.

"Don't you dare make excuses...he...tried to...kiss you...MY MATE" By the end, he was yelling and snarls were making their way out of his mouth. His grip tightened to the point of pain and I winced, pulling his arms away.

"How would you even know that?" I asked confused. His eyes narrowed and glared in on my hands wrapped around his arms, that had just pulled him away. He looked at me, bending down slightly and grapsing my chin once again with his thumb and fore finger.

"I feel - everything - when it comes to you"


Oh my... thank you all so much for reading, commenting and for all the support! Ya'll are great ahaha

But OMG how do you like Ryder....???

Feeling my creative juices flowing again, should be expecting more frequent updates!!!

Thanks for reading

VOTE/COMMENT and all that jazz xo

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