[ 12 ] In trouble

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Just before sleep took me, my phone buzzed. I picked it up hazily, not checking the caller ID before I answered

"Hello?" I asked. It took a few seconds for the person on the other line to speak but when they did, the chill that ran through alerted me to exactly who was calling.

"...We need to talk"


Chapter 12:

Katerina's POV:

My entire body froze. Completely stone stiff, that was what I looked like as his voice met my ears.


I gulped before replying trying to keep my voice from wavering but failing completely.

"..Dad" I heard him sigh angrily through the phone and I could just imagine him now with his jaw clenched

"You know why I'm calling? don't you?" He asked bordering on anger. I flinched before replying defeatedly

"...yeah" I heard him take a deep breath and I closed my eyes awaiting the earful I was sure to get from him. Haven't seen him in what, 3 months. No calls, no nothing and of course he only calls to tell me off. As I was waiting for the lecture, I was undoubtedly surprised when all he said was,

"Whatever it is, end it...now. Save us all the trouble, yeah?" His voice took on a softer, more gentle tone near the end of his sentence. I sighed, at a complete loss. Before I could agree with him for his sake, he hung up.

3 months.


I know that he was sent by our Alpha to scout other locations, or so he says. But he hasn't made any contact with me for 3 months until tonight.

I know that he's right, I mean of course he's right. But....

I growled softly and buried my face in my pillow wanting the world to just bless me with sleep so I wouldn't be lost in my thoughts of him, or better yet, why I can't be with him.

"Why me, moon goddess?"


*next day*

Waking up this morning seemed to be the hardest thing that I had ever had to do. I believed that if I just refused to get up, refused to acknowledge what was happening then I could pretend that everything was the same as before. As if I hadn't met my mate. As if I didn't have a reason not to be with him.

But then came Chris.

And let's just say, dragging me feet first through my bedroom and into the bathroom because I needed to be in my "right frame of mind" when we talk wasn't the worst thing he's done to wake me up.

And here we were, in my kitchen. Me trying to eat my cereal in peace and Chris...just staring at me. As if his glare could possibly annihilate me entirely.

"For gods sake! Chris!?...you going to talk sometime soon? Cause I swear I will throw this bowl at you if we sit here with you looking at me like that for another 5 mins" I growled out, totally done with his constant staring and silent badgering.

He scoffed before replying, as annoyed as I was.

"Don't try play that game with me Kat! As if I'm the joker in this batman scenario". My eyes furrowed

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Why can't I be batman and you be the joker?" He mumbled angrily to himself. I whacked him upside the head

"Chris" I warned, seething his name through my teeth.

"Your so violent ! And stop making that pitiful angry face at me, I'm upset with you" he threw back at me, looking at my face intently before doubling over in laughter. I huffed.

I'm so easily set off nowadays.

"Ok Kat fine...your brother told me" my eyes widened in frustration

"Bloody hell is there anyone else he wants to tell! First my dad, now you!" I reply annoyed and raging.

"Your dad?" Chris asked on surprise.

"We'll get back to that later. First, say your piece" I waved my hand around him, waiting. He pursed his lips before replying

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes giving him the "really?" look of doom.

"I've known you for how long now? Get your head out of your ass and say your piece" He gulped and tapped his hand impatiently on the table for a few seconds before he caved, spouting,

"How dare you ! I had to hear from your brother! About your mate! First of all, why wouldn't you tell me when I came over after he about almost kicked my ass!, -" I looked down at my feet ashamed as he continued

"And don't even get me started on the fact that your mate is an alpha! I mean how cool is that, why wouldn't you want that to happen...better question why wouldn't you want me to know ? Huh?....you're...you're just a piece of crap friend." He huffed childishly.

My heart constricted at what my life was right now. He was right. In every single way.

"...I have to reject him" I whispered defeatedly and when I finished that heart-wrenching sentence, I all but bursts into tears. Chris sensed it though and drug me into his arms.

Why couldn't I have a normal life? Why couldn't I just be with my mate? Just why.

As I sobbed in his arms, my heart clenched and my wolf whined uncontrollably.

"Katerina what are you talking about? You can be with him! Is this Brody? Cause forget what he says" he whines, desperately trying to stop the tears from running down my face.

"It's not that" I whispered using the back of my sleeves to wipe my face and try to put at least some part of myself together.

"Then what is it?....Kat?" He whispered back to me sensing that he had to be delicate in this situation. This was why he was my best friend. He could always tell my emotions, always. Even when we were kids, he just knew what I was thinking and he acted accordingly.

"Kat?" He urged again, placing his hands on my shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly before looking up at him and giving him the answer he was looking for but definitely not expected.

"Because...I'm betrothed"


A/N: BOOM! Drops the mic.

Weren't expecting that hey?

Sorry for the late update...tell me what you think though, things are going to start getting interesting

VOTE/COMMENT and all that jazz x

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