Chapter 7: Beach

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I got changed into a green two-piece bathing suit and waited for Lana to finish getting ready, girl takes more than two years. I swear I'm an elderly now.

Finally, after one and a half hours, she came out of her room, wearing a pink two-piece and her hair curled at the ends and up in a hair clip, "Wow" I nod only wearing a simple bathing suit with my hair down.

Girl looks like she's going to a pool party, She rolls her eyes and makes her way downstairs outside, I follow behind just seeing Misha leaning against his jet-black Frontier, I will say his truck is absolutely gorgeous.

Wondering how much he probably spent on it, He looked up from his phone and meets my eyes, he wore a white button shirt revealing his chest, and black shorts, and his hair was styled only one strand of hair was covering his left eye.

"Misha! You're coming?" Lana cheered, wow she never cheered for me like that before, I was offended. "Yup hop in" He smirked giving me a wink before he opened his door.

Lana and I sat in the back while he drove to the beach, Misha had rich black leather seats, and his car smelled like it was brand new and had a hint of a rich male clone, or is that just him?

None of us said a word the whole car ride, the only thing that kept intimidating me was that Misha kept glancing at me from his view mirror and we always found a way to make contact, I hated it absolutely hated it.

A weird buzzing in my cheat when our eyes meet, once we made it to the beach Misha had our doors locked, really a safety lock? he hops out of the truck first and opened my side door, "We're here blondies" he smirked letting me hop out.

I scoff and walk right past him as Lana made her way down, we were quite short and it felt like jumping from a cliff when we have to hop out of his truck.

I got my purse I had with my clothes and towels, As we made our way toward the beach Misha and Lana were walking quicker than I was while laughing and talking, I rolled my eyes I have no clue why I'm jealous it's not like he'll favorite her...maybe.

I don't know why I care if he likes my sister more than me, it doesn't matter anyways, I don't care if they become besties or something, they're basically the same person no wonder they get along.

We made it to a spot I instantly put on sunscreen and made my way to the ocean, Lana followed behind, the waves were strong and powerful yet fun, and the water was freezing cold.

"Go in!" Lana cheered while she stood beside me, I scoff and splash her with water, "Hey!" a smile runs between her lips as she splashed me back, I let out a scream and a laugh at once.


I watched as they fucked around and splashed each other with water, I sat down on a towel I had borough and placed it down on the sand, I had no intention of joining them I just sat back and enjoyed the view.


She definitely asked Lana to the beach because of what I told her last night, regret fills my stomach as I stared at her and her sister having fun together, her throwing her hands in the air as the wind blew her blonde long hair, her smile looked genuine for once.

"Yo Misha!" oh fuck me, the irritating shout of an- "Hey man!" Kenji shouted sitting beside me, "Kenji!" Stella shouted, I roll my eyes, Kenji Chen.

How do I start with him, one he's Blair's best friend, second he's fucking annoying and irritating as hell, and third his best friend Stella is fucking hot,

"It's alright Stell" I looked up at her arching a brow at me, I give her a smirk and look back at Blair and Lana diving into the waves, "Sooooo" Kenji patted my back noticing Blair and Lana

"Oh shitttt BLAIR!" he shouted causing me to jump, Blair sinks up from the water and glanced behind me, "Heyyy!" Kenji waved while Stella sat beside him.

"Hey, Kenj!" Blair waved back and sunk back into the water beside Lana, Kenji Chen, son of Jin Chen, his father works for my father's business as his right hand, yet I see Koa and him in mostly every gala we aren't close.

I don't hate the guy, nor do I like him, Rune and him seem to be great friends, with the same personality and sense of humor but besides that Kenji isn't as...responsible as Rune.

He's the type to get you in trouble and have no idea how to get out of it, while Rune hates trouble and talks our way out of it, aka me.

Now, Stella, I've been trying to get with her since her freshman year, but I've gotten nowhere, I know nothing about her only that her mother is incredibly rich and a famous hot model and that her favorite color is green.

"So Stell how's your mother" I glance in her direction having a quirky smile on her face, she rolls her eyes and glances at me, "How's yours?" I let out a chuckle, I know Stella doesn't like me since Blair hates me.

It is funny how best friends work, she knows nothing about me yet she hates me, "So Misha any party plans this summer?" Kenji turns to look at me, One thing I'm known for is throwing the best parties of the summer.

Half the City comes over to my fathers house and we dance till the morning, and then there's the TR, stands for the Tremble Room, I made this game where random anonymous girls get picked to fuck Rune, Kenji, Koa or I in the dark for 30 minutes straight.

Every girl I've fucked has come out my room trembling or begging for another 30 minutes.

"Soon Kenji" I wink as he gave me smirk, "Your both disgusting" Stella rolls her "Oh baby don't lie you want this as much as you want me" Kenji teases, I let out a chuckle as she gags and runs away while Kenji ran after her "Oh come on!" he shouted.

I then put my attention back toward Blair and Lana, my smile drops when I see Lana shouting at Blair to come back, My heart sinks when I see Blair deep into the ocean as she swims further away , "Blair!" I shout using both hands to echo my voice.

As she turns around and I notice her small waves of a hand deep isn't the ocean "Get back here!" I shout firmer and louder "I'm fine-" Then suddenly she lets out a scream as she sunk into the water.

No, No, No

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