AN/ The Corrupt Me Series!

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Author Note

Hi, my lovely readers! It's your one and only Aurora! thank you so much for supporting my book Heal Me, I hope you all enjoyed The Corrupt Me Series so far and I would love to thank my wonderful readers, if it weren't for any of you I wouldn't be where I am today we've gone so far it's insane, I am in shock at how this book blew up so fast and I love reading all your funny and cute comments it makes my day a thousand times better, writing stories has always been my favorite hobby since I was a little girl and I'm so grateful I came across Wattpad if not I wouldn't have been here this day.

I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for all my supporters I love you all so goddamn much you make me so happy and when I'm not feeling in the mood to write or upload I remember all of you who support and follow me, I know how it feels to want to leave reality and these past years have been very tough for everyone and reading is one way everyone copes with life it's become one of my biggest hobbies but sadly at the moment I'm in a HUGE reading slump but writing is my passion it's literally the love of my life lol I love writing about my characters and I know a lot of people relate to them tho sometimes my characters for example Reuben Amato seem like the biggest

a-hole in the world I'm so glad my fans trusted the progress and as more chapters  were published you all realized why he acted the way he did and as you all know I love giving my characters a background and history love putting little scenes with flashbacks of their past to make them more realistic and I hope you all like that? I HOPE! either way, thank you for all the support I'm super grateful, and still to this day I'm mind blown by how many people love my books ❤️

The Corrupt Me Series

As you all know Heal Me is the first book of The Corrupt Me Series and it went so well so here's more information about the series if you don't understand.

Make Me Second Book (Officially Out)

Main Characters: Lana Ambrose, Cyrus Winter

Description: The second book is Make Me, a dark stalker romance between our favorite little sister Lana Ambrose who's starting her first year of senior year when a mysterious new boy starts her high school ever since he joined she's been receiving weird messages and creepy notes about her deceased mother and secrets only her and her family knows....

Dark Romance,
Grumpy x Grumpy
Stalker Romance
Enemies To Lovers
Traumatic Scars
Emotional Past
Opposites Attract

This Book is officially out and free to read on Wattpad

Torture Me Third Book (Officially Out)

Torture Me is the third and my opinion the best book I've EVER written and no I'm not exaggerating I love this book and these are by far my favorite books couple I've ever written

Characters: Vivian Larson, Kenji Chen

Description: Vivian Larson is known as the most dangerous Larson of her bloodline, everyone knows her as a selfish rude bitch but do they know her? Kenji Chen, her co-worker and her nemesis and rival at work who's been chasing after her for 4 years straight trying his best to win her heart and get her to believe love is not lost. As much as she hurts him and pushes him away he gets back up and doesn't give up till he has what he wants, and what he wants is her.

Enemies To Lovers
Forced Proximity
Emotional Scars
Dark Romance
(Opposites) Grumpy x Sunshine
Opposites Attract
Love At First Sight
Destined To Be Together
Age Gap
Afraid To Commit

Betray Me Fourth Book

Characters: Fallon Larson, Nevan Winter

Description: Fallon Larson is known as the 'innocent' Larson of the family, after her 2 priorities, her little brother Misha, and cousin Vivian, are now taken and being taken care of she is all left alone, oddly She has never been alone before and now officially dealing with the grief of her brother Malcoms death and Father after she put her emotions aside for her loved ones, as the therapist friend and family member she has no clue where to go with her life- but suddenly her 'friend' Nevan Winter, is dealing with the guilt of his mother figures last wish, to be married and have kids, now he's on a hunt for a wife to complete her last wish before her death, asking his 'friend' Fallon she accepts.

Arranged Marriage
Best Friends Brother
Enemies To Lovers
Forbidden Love
Sunny x Grumpy
Everyone Can See It
Oblivious To Love
If I can't have you, no one will
Age Gap

Take Me Last Book In The Series

Characters: Rune Ambrose, Stella Hart

Description: Rune, in love with Stella ever since they were kids, he's never told her how he felt...till it was too late, one day during work Rune received a letter, a wedding invitation to Stella Hart and her arranged husband's wedding, Stella forced to be married by her family, Rune trying to win her heart before it's too late and he loses the love of his life, Stella stuck between following her families legacy or drop it all for the man she knows been chasing after her, Stella and Rune having to go through opticals with her dangerous soon-to-be husband just to be able to be together.

Unattainable love interest
Friends To Lovers
Sisters Best Friend
Everyone Could See It
Runaway Bride
Love Triangle
Destined To Be Together

And of course! you'll all be seeing all the couples throughout the books and how their lives are going so far, each book there will be a new update with one of the couples and they'll alwayssss be mentioned and never forgotten!

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