Chapter 8: Hate You

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Without hesitation I ran straight into the ocean and dived in, swimming as fast as I could to get to her, my heart was pacing as much as my arms and legs were moving, Its been a fucking week and I'm failing to protect her.

This is my goddamn fault I should have went in.

I grasp her wrist and pull her into my chest, I seize her thighs tightly while trying to swim back to the shore where Lana was waiting.

She coughed out water while I wrapped her legs around my hips and gripped her waist that I was digging my nails into her skin. I drop her to her legs and run my hands through my hair "Are you fucking stupid!" I shout aggressively as she gives me a scowl "I was fine!"

"Your not fucking fine you could have drown!" I yell, I felt my throat close up, she stayed silent and her scowl slowly faded away, My chest felt like 30 pound dumbbell weights were being placed on top of me.

"Okay fine your right, I'm sorry I should have been more careful"


I saw something in Misha that shouldn't be getting me worried, but he looked in need of help then I was, he was panting like a dog and I could have sworn his eyes were turning bloody red, "Pack your stuff we're leaving"

I did what he said and helped Lana pack her stuff, we got into the car and drove back home.

After we got home I took a shower and changed into comfy clothes, one of Rune's oversized sweaters and shorts, I let my wet hair down and decided to apologize one more time to Misha.

I knocked on his door and peeked my head inside, he seemed to have just gotten out of the shower as well since he was wearing sweatpants and a black t-shirt exposing his tattoos, "Hey" I gulp walking in and shutting the door behind me.

He lets out a sigh and turns to look at me while sitting up on his bed, "I wanted to apologize for what I did" I stutter pulling my hands into the sleeves of Rune's hoodie.

"What you did was reckless" Misha scowled me as he stood up, I take a step back while he took a step forward, "I know-" "And in front of your little sister?" I raise my eyes to see him, my blood boiling.

"I thought it was funny" I state
"Well it wasn't"
"I know that"
"Do you? Because if you know that you wouldn't have done it, your setting a bad example"

I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest, "What is up with you? you've been acting so mature since you got here" I let out a chuckle, out of all people I least expected Misha to be responsible and mature.

Rune is the mature one, not him, "I promised Rune I would protect you now I know why the hell you need a babysitter" his voice came out as an insult, and my chest burned from the words that came out from his mouth. "Rune thinks I need a babysitter?" I break eye contact and stare at the ground.

Does my brother think I'm a child? Does he think I need someone to take care of me? "Thats not-"

"It sounds to me like you both think I won't survive a day by myself!" I yell pointing a finger in his chest, He didn't even stumble back which made me even madder than I was, I was so mad how he was hovering over me like a child.

How much bigger and stronger he was than I was, God I hate everything about him! "I didn't say that fuck Blair!" he roars causing me to flinch, "Your not careful!" he stutters trying to keep calm while all I want to do is punch him in the face. Probably won't even fucking hurt him but me.

I needed to get out of his room before I did something I'll regret, but my stubbornness took over me like always "Just because Rune told you to babysit me you don't have to I can take care of myself!" "Oh yes you've proven yourself you can" I let out a loud groan turning my hands into fists.

No one has ever gotten me as mad as he does, I swear I was on the verge of going on a killing spree. Misha then suddenly took a step forward closing the gap between us, the air around us got thick and it suffocated me into my tiny bubble.

He was too close, way too fucking close he leaned down our lips only an inch away, "I hate you blondie, I really do and If I had a choice I would have let you drown" Shivers went up my spine from his words.

"Fuck you, Misha Larson, I suggest you sleep with one eye open tonight" I give him a death stare before shoving my shoulder against his and walking away slamming his door shut.

I ran toward my room down the hall and slam the door shut and slam it close, I jump into my bed and pull a pillow into my face letting out a muffled scream.

I hate him so fucking much I don't know why Rune is best friends with him, god I've never felt this mad before I've never gotten this mad at someone before. But of course

Misha Larson always lets out the worst in me.

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