Chapter 60: Traitor

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"How was the hot steamy -"
"Shut up!" Rune and I both said at once cutting Kenji's off before he could finish his sentence.

Rune let's put a quiver while he straighten up his spine, "That's the last thing I would want to hear," Kenji lets out a laugh as we made our way through my office, I took a seat across from them while their professional faces were on.

"So what's up why am I here?" Kenji frowned while Rune gave him a scowl and glanced back at me, "Ten" I repeat myself the thousand times, "Oh right" he smiled and nodded after realizing.

"Sign this" I dragged a contract down the table toward Rune, "What's this?" he stared down at the piece of paper while holding onto his pen.

"A contract, that we stick by each other no matter what," I said each word in a form tone while arching a brow waiting for a response. "Oh we don't need a contract I'll always be there"
"Sure just sign right there and there-" I get interrupted by Kenji's loud laugh.

Rune sighed and signed where I told him to. "Now we have to keep this a secret, Kenji if you even mutter a thing about Ten to Vivian your dead, Rune this is between us two don't say a word to Lana or Blair, or anyone"

They both nod in agreement, "So where did he agree to meet-" then suddenly a phone starts ringing.

Kenji and I both look toward Rune's phone playing a duck song, He pulled out his phone from his pocket and gave us a quick smile before sitting up and walking toward the ceiling-height window.

"Hello?" He said through the phone in a confused tone.

I instantly felt a bad gut feeling and slowly stood up while Kenji did the same, "Who the fuck is this?" Kenji and I exchange glances.

Never in my life has Rune sounded that worried and mad, so I knew something was badly wrong.

"If you-" he cuts himself off.
"BLAIR" He screamed through the phone, I quickly snatched Rune's phone from his hands while he ran his hands through his hair in panic.

"Blondie?! Blair?!"
"Hello there Larson" My heart skipped a beat and my blood boiled at the voice I tried to forget, "Henry" I grit my teeth, "Yes it's me, it's been a while really"
"Where's Blair" I yelled through the phone while my hands gripped the phone as if I was about to break it into pieces.

"Oh that's my little secret, we can all keep secrets can we Malcolm" I sighed at the name, "Don't call me that" I whispered through the phone while Rune and Kenji  stared burned behind my back.

"Why that beats the fun of it tho, the same old buzzkill" I sensed his eye roll through the phone, "Where's Blair" The grip on the phone cracked I tried calming down but there was no use.

He kidnapped my girlfriend and her sister, how the fuck can I be calm "Oh she's right here" Then suddenly shouts and cries are being heard through the phone, "Blair! Blair Stay calm I'll find you-"
"If you can" then suddenly the phone hung up.


I checked the caller ID "Unknown Caller" of fucking course.

The anger inside me crushed my feelings making me feel heartless, "What's the plan" "Find him, kill him"

The plan didn't go as planned, Ten must have paid someone to unable his tracking.

I don't know anyone besides this one person as good as a hacker...

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