Chapter 32: Underestimate Me

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I overhear a door being slammed and a car being swerved out the road, I jump out of bed and panic to my left to see Blair gone, fuck!

I quickly changed and grasped my gun from my cabinet and ran out of the penthouse, Fuck she took my truck, oh Blondie you're fucking dead, I snatched my phone from my back pocket and dialed the closest person from me.


"What's up boss-"
"Kenji 190 green oak now" Without hesitation Kenji hung up and after five minutes I overhear the wheels of a car speeding through the highway.

Kenji rolls down his pitch-black tinted window, "Get in!" he shouted, I sprint up to the car and slam the door open and shut once I sat down, "easy I just got this car" I roll my eyes and reload the gun as Kenji drove.

"Vincents Ambrose Mansion now"
"NOW!" I demanded, he nods and just drove without any questions,


A contract with my father's signature and the bottom with an unknown signature on the side. the more I read the more I wanted to kill him.

Date: 05/ 15/ 10
Vincent Ambrose, Ten
The murder of Violet Ambrose must look like an accident, suicide, with no sign of fighting, no sign of assault.

Before I could finish reading I tore the paper into pieces as I bursted into tears, "Blair-" Lana said placing a hand on my shoulder and trying to calm me down, I panted like a wet dog as I paced across the floor running a hand through my hair.

"I trusted him" I cried as tears slipped through my eyes burning from the sting, my heart had been broken into a million pieces and unreplaceable, I wanted- no I needed to burn, all this time I thought she killed herself because of me.

I blamed myself for her death, but all this time I was holding all that fucking guilt when it was HIM.

A fucking contract to get her killed, why, why, why, why.

My mother was innocent, she was a pure soul, and she would never hurt anybody, this doesn't make any sense they loved each other! or was that all an act like my childhood?

I was fading into the dark, all this time I thought I was safe, but I was living under a roof where my own blood killed my other half.

I froze and glanced at Lana breaking into tears, I ran up to her and slammed her against my chest, we both cried in each other's shoulder while she wrapped her arms around my waist and I hugged the back of her head.

I then release her and cup her face, "We're getting out of here, okay," she nods without hesitation but before I could walk away with her I freeze and glance at his bookshelf.

I feel my blood boil, and my eyes darken and something had taken over me I have never felt nor thought I had in me, I started walking toward the bookshelf.

I had no idea how but I felt something else was taken over me.

Anger, sadness, betrayal, or... vengeance.

Yes, god yes, revenge.

I pull down my trophy and break it into a million pieces as the hidden door opened wide in front of me, I smile and walk inside snatching two guns and a knife from their place, I had no idea how to use a gun but I will now.

"I love you, princess, you'll forever be my little girl, your all my happy place, my heaven"

His worst reminded me in my head over and over, but I snapped out of it in an instant, that's not the father I once know, that's the fucking devil in disguise...

I was losing my patience as I stood and stared at the guns in my hand, I then turn around to see Lana in shock, And then suddenly gunshots, we both fall to the ground for cover at once, I then crawl my way up to her and lay on the ground in front of her using myself as a human shield.

"It's okay, nothing will happen to you when I'm still alive," I said pointing both guns toward the door, then suddenly footsteps ran up the stairs, I slowly stood up and gripped the trigger like my life depended on it.

"Blair" Lana's voice trembles as she stood behind me, and then my eyes darkened even more, my body went still, but my blood boiled to the point hell wasn't as hot as me.


I said glaring him in the eyes as he held a gun up at me, he had a quivery smile on while he stepped closer, "Blair put the guns down" He said trying to look calm but I can see it in his eyes, it's not my father.

"Why should I" I roared as I took a step back at once with Lana, "You murdered our mother, and Misha's family" I panted I wanted to pull the trigger just so I could watch him bleed out in front of me.

His smile fades away and he gulped so harshly I could hear it, "You hurt my sister" "She's not your sister" My heart stopped beating, and my body went stiff.

"What" Lana and I said, "Your mother cheated on me, don't you see? Lana is much darker than any of us! She is not my daughter!" He roared.

And it caused me to flinch, as much as I wanted to fight back, I didn't "Do you think I care, she is MY fucking sister, and if you touch her-"

"Youll what Blair? kill me? hurt me? you wouldn't hurt me, Blair, you love me too much"

And at that moment, I turned the pain into power.

"Underestimate Me, That'll Be Fun"

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