" it was supposed to be a tea party!"

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Female stu
Sam is the biological daughter of Billy and stu in this one-shot!
Billy loomis macher was sleeping soundly in his bed, snoring away like he had no care in the world.

The door to his bedroom creaked a little as it slowly opened. Billy was completely unaware of what was about to happen.

But all he knew was that was second he was sleeping and the next he got the wind kicked out of him.

"Papa! Wake up!" It was his daughter Samantha loomis macher.

Billy let out a small groan as Sam kept jumping on him. He lifted his head as he heard a giggle by the door.

Stu loomis-macher was leaning against the doorframe giggling to herself.

Billy lifted his hand, grabbing his daughters foot before pulling her into his embrace, attacking her with kisses all over her face.

Sam laughed, and Billy smiled before glancing at stu ," Are you going somewhere?"

"Unfortunately, yes, I am. Work just called and said they need me to come in, so you're gonna be in charge of the kids for a few hours," stu replied, walking over and sitting beside him.

Billy sat up, and Sam placed herself in between her parents. "It was supposed to be both our day off," stu sigh

"I know, and I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it to you, I swear. It just these morons can't do anything right without me , it'll just be for a couple of hours," stu told him

"Mama said a bad word," Sam said, "oh did I? Well, Mama is sorry ," stu smiled down at her daughter.

"Alright, Sam, junior and I will have a lot of fun today," Billy said, stu smiled and leaned forward, giving him a quick kiss

"Thank you for understanding, oh and uh speaking of junior, I feed him an hour ago, he just fell alseep , his formula is in the fridge," stu told him, and Billy nod

"And I'll call you if I need anything , I've got this darling, " Billy told her and stu nodded getting up from the bed, giving him one more kiss before giving Sam a kiss to her head

"I love you both, I'll see you guys later," she said

"Bye, Mama!" Sam waved, watching as stu left the room. She glanced up at her father

"Can we go to the park?" She asked, "Yeah, sure," Sam cheered, jumping off the bed and running out of the room.

"I got this,you can take care of your kids without stu. You got this," Billy mumbled to himself
Billy, in fact, did not have it. He took the kids to the park. He thought it would tire sam out, but it didn't.

They spent at least three hours at the park, and Sam threw a fit when Billy told her it was time to go home. And Junior wouldn't stop crying.

It was really stressful until Sam finally gave him up and stomped her way back home with Billy behind her, pushing the stroller. Prying for stu to come home already.
It was 5 pm when stu arrived home. Once she opened the door, the house was a mess.

She blinked before she heard chatter coming from the living room. Closing the door behind her, she walked further into the house and stood by the doorframe of the living room.

She put a hand over her mouth, trying to hold in her laugh, Sam was dressed as a princess with a wand in hand she was walking back and forth infront of Billy who had two ponytails sticking up in his hair.

But that wasn't the best part. The best part was that he was wearing make-up while holding a sleeping junior in his arms , nodding along to whatever his daughter was saying.

Sam glanced up, and she smiled," Mommy!" Billy turned around, and stu couldn't help let out a laugh before kneeling down, opening her arms for Sam.

"It looks like you guys had a fun day," Sam nodded ,"Yeah, we did,"

"So, you guys were having a make-up party?" She glanced at Billy, who stood up and made his way over to her , kissing the side of her head

"It was supposed to be a tea party," stu giggled ,"Daddy looks better now!" Sam said, and stu laughed

"Yeah, Daddy looks pretty,"

"I look like a -" Billy cut himself off and corrected himself when he saw stu's pointed glare

"I look pretty, very pretty, thank you, Sam, for making me pretty ," Sam giggled ," no problem, Papa!" Billy suddenly smirked

"Since you made me pretty, why don't you make mommy pretty?" Sam gasped, looking at stu

"Can i!" Stu looked at Billy, who just smirked at you before looking back at her daughter,"of course,"

Billy chuckled, and Junior stirred a bit, and Billy slightly rocked him, shushing him , smiling fondly.
Word count - 819

Hope you enjoy

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