Afraid of a little storm

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Requested by cloeeee_

Stu macher sat on his couch, wrapped in blankets, trying to focus on the movie that was on but all his attention on the storm, the thunder that made him jump every time it sounded, the lighting that lit up the dark living room,

Stu snuggled closer to Billy, Billy glanced down at stu, "What? Are you afraid of a little lightning doll?" Billy joked with a small chuckle,

"I don't like storms," stu mumbled , jumping a bit and pulling the blanket closer to him as thunder sounded again

"Boo!" Billy suddenly shouted, making stu let out a small yell of fright, and Billy let out a laugh,

"Seriously? Are you afraid of a little storm? Come on, stu, isn't it a little stupid? I mean, it's just a little storm. " Billy told him,

Stu looked down at his lap, biting his lips, eyes filled with unshed tears ,

Stu closed his eyes as lighting lit up the room once again, the tears sliding down his cheeks,

Thunder boomed, and stu's breathing began to quicken,

Billy looked over at stu, as he heard him breathing quickly, "stu? You alright, doll?"

A small whimper escaped stu, and Billy cupped stu's face, making him face him, "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Billy questioned, wiping stu's tears, stu opened his eyes, his blue eyes meeting Billy's brown eyes, those brown eyes staring right back at him with worry ,

"I-...i- I'm scared billy....I don't like storms," stu stuttered out, taking a deep, shaky breath

Billy instantly felt like shit for making fun of stu earlier,

"Hey, doll, listen to me. It's going to be okay. The storm will pass soon, " Billy softly told him,

Stu stared at him, tears quickly sliding down his face, his breathing was because more erratic,

"Hey, hey, breathe with me, you need to calm down or you're going to pass out, breathe with me," Billy told him, and stu shook his head,

"I...I...I can't.....billy...I can't...I can't breathe," stu said, and Billy did the only thing he could think of. He leaned forward, kissing him

Billy pulled back a minute later, stu's breathing was back going back to normal ," You okay?"

Stu nodded ," did you know that would work?"

"Tatum said something about it when someone's having a panick attack helps them hold their breath," Billy said, with a small shrug ,

"Hey, doll, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you earlier," Billy told him, "it's okay, I already forgive you, Billy, " stu told him, jumping as thunder boomed again,

Billy pulled him close, pressing a kiss to his head ,"it'll be okay, doll, " Billy told him, grabbing the remote and turning up the volume on the TV,

"I'll protect you, okay? The storm isn't going to hurt you," Billy added.

"Thanks, Billy, I love you," stu whispered, and Billy smiled, "Love you doll,"
Word count - 493

Hope you enjoy

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