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Jay's POV

I open my eyes to bright lights, blinking away any sleepiness I had left.
Ugh.. What time was it.?

I lift my watch, 7:43 am.

I began to just notice something heavy is on my shoulder, turning my head to check I saw Sonar resting their head on my shoulder.


I contemplated on what to do before deciding on something.

Slowly, I lifted my arms and grabbed Sonar by the shoulders, making sure not to move them too much. Then slowly shifted myself to a crouching position before gently leaning Sonar against the wall.

"Ah, didn't they have a tray somewhere..? I should go check on the food." I thought out loud, I turned to look for a tray.


I approached it, and to my guess, the food was cold.

I sighed. "This can't do. I'll have to look for some more food then..." I turned and poked my head out of the border to scout the area for monsters. After seeing the coast was clear, I came out and made my way to the cafeteria.

I sort of knew my way around this place, it isn't really as big as I anticipated..

I eventually got to the cafeteria, and to my suprise, there was a new stock of food! Perhaps I was behind schedule.. Or maybe it's a miracle! Or is this just my imagination..?

I approached some of the food on the tables and it was still hot. It very much wasn't my imagination.

I grabbed a tray and began taking some food, they also happen to have cup noodles thankfully and some bread.

I began making my way to where Sonar was, being fast with my steps. It was awfully quiet, too quiet. I had to get there fast incase those things were planning on a surprise attack.

As I arrived back at the safezone, I peer over and see Sonar still resting soundly. I place the tray on a nearby table in the corner before walking towards Sonar and crouching down in front of them.

Though it'd be best to let them sleep.. It'd be better if Sonar got to eat. I don't think they've eaten at all yesterday.. (Sonar in fact hasnt.)

Sonar's POV

"Mmmh..." I groaned as someone tapped my shoulder repeatedly.

"Come on..~ it's time to wake up.. You haven't ate!"

"5 more minutes.." I joked laughing a bit while rubbing my eyes.

"Haha, funny. Now come on, it's time to eat~" Jay giggled a bit, before standing up and gesturing me to come over. I stood up and following him while yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"I noticed the food from last night was cold, so I went off and grabbed some. Also, we'll kinda have to eat on the floor.. Sorry, no chairs, heh.." He made an awkward smile, in response I also smiled back slightly.

"Ah, no, it's okay really. And you didn't have to.." I responded as he grabbed his own share of food and I grabbed mine.

We ate quietly on the floor, the atmosphere was.. quite awkward.

I cleared my throat, breaking the silence. "Thank you."


".. Thank you." I repeated. "Thank you for bandaging my arm.. Getting me food.. basically everything you've done so far.."

"Ah.. Really it was no problem." He responded with a smile.

"Again,you really didn't have to.. Jeez, for all I could know you probably could've just left me there." I laughed at the thought.

"I couldn't just leave you there injured! That's cruel.. " He protested.

I let out another small laugh. "Either way, thank you."


"Are you sure you wanna go out? Your still injured you know." Jay asked again.

"I'll be fine.. Plus, I would die of boredom if I stayed here longer." I reassured him.

"Yeah, but I'd rather have you die from boredom than die from those monsters. You should stay here and rest more." He insisted.

"Please,, Jay I'll be fine!" I reassured him for a second time. "Now, do you know any cool place here since I assume you've been here for a while?"

He sighed in defeat. "Well, I found a pool around here a few days ago. It's probably that room to the right." He pointed out the border.

"It's quite dangerous though, instead of those dog looking things they're sharks."

"Well dangerous be my middle name! Let's go there!" I yelled out confident.

"No way, what if you get hurt?! Let's explore some place else." He crossed his arms.

"Please? I can defend myself even if injured! " I begged giving him puppy eyes in attempt to convince him.

He paused for a moment.

Jay sighed, dropping his arms. "Fine. But if something happens then we're immediately going back to the safezone."

"Yess!!" I squealed in excitement as I flapped my arms around. (stimming?!)

"Let's go!!" I grabbed his hand and quickly ran to the pool, clearly too excited...


also writing may be a little different now!! got me in a chokehold.. Also chapters will probably be narrated in 3rd person or sum now

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