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Y/n walked out the school gates hand in hand with Felix. They waved to Jisung and Minho before heading on their separate ways.

"So we are going to the school festival together right?" She asked, smiling and looking up at him.

"Yeah! It seems fun doesn't it? I heard all the clubs will have different booths. I've never been to school festival." He said the last part with sheepish grin.

"Well you already know I haven't either.. I always skip them to hang out with you." Y/n gave Felix a small nudge on the shoulder as they walked.

Felix blushed and looked away, trying to hide the grin on his face. A small part of him felt bad Y/n missed out on experiences because of him, but the bigger part was glad she had always prioritized him.

"Now that I actually go to school with you, we can just go together. Why wasn't I already doing that?" He said, giving Y/n a quick kiss on the head.

The pair continued their walk home, enjoying the moment spent together. The sky was clear, only a few white clouds floating slowly. The sun felt warm and made Y/n feel energized. The glow reminded her of Felix's halo that so rarely appeared. It wasn't like his wings in which she was able to admire anytime they were alone. It only showed when he showcased his abilities fully, slowly shining into view and illuminating the space above his head.

Her thoughts about Felix wandered, when suddenly she remembered something he had said to her.

"Did you say you wanted to meet my parents?" She stopped walking, looking at him with her eyebrow raised.

Felix stopped as well, the blush he only just rid of creeping back onto his cheeks. He cleared his throat before speaking, hoping he sounded confident.

"Well, now that I'm your classmate I blend right in.. and I've known you forever." He said, curious as to what she would say. Would she be on board? Does she think it's risky? 

Y/n thought about it, she couldn't find any harm in the matter. "Sure why not.. It's probably time anyways." She said, shrugging it off.

Despite who calm exterior, her heart pounded as she pictured the scenario. She couldn't imagine her mom and Felix in the same room; The more she thought about it the more the idea made her nervous.

As the two approached the door she stoped and turned to face him. "Maybe not today though.. I mean I didn't even tell them to expect company.." She said, avoiding his eyes.

Felix's face fell slightly, but he quickly recovered. "You're right, I'll meet you upstairs?" 

Before either could answer, the front door swung open. Y/n and Felix both turned to look, stunned expressions on their face.

"Y/n? Who's this?" 

Y/n's mother stood in the doorway, looking between the two of them. She smiled at them, her eyes looking on with excitement.

"Mom! This is Felix... He's..." Y/n thought about what to say, she wasn't sure if she should tell her mom about their relationship, she had never brought a boy home and wasn't sure on her moms reaction.

Her mother raised her eyebrow as she watched. Felix smiled, thinking of how Y/n raised her own eyebrow to him on their walk home.

"Hello Mrs. Y/L/N. I'm Y/n's boyfriend." Felix said with an innocent wave.

Y/n looked at him in shock, then back her mother to see what she would say. Felix just held his smile, trying to look as sweet as possibly.

Y/n's mother's face immediately lit up. "Boyfriend?! Come in Come in, why don't you have dinner with us yes? You can call me Taeyeon, you are?" She said, gesturing for them both to enter.

Felix turned and gave Y/n a quick wink before walking ahead to enter the house. Y/n stood,  relieved at her mom's excitement, suddenly more worried of her fathers reaction.

Soon the four of them were sitting around the small dining table. Taeyeon passed Felix food, quickly filling his plate. Y/n worried he wouldn't be able to finish it, but he dug in without question.

Y/n's father sat with this arms crossed, his face watching Felix every move. Despite the intimidating looks, Felix sat unaffected.

"The food is delicious, thank you for cooking!" Felix said.

"Of course, Thank you for walking our daughter home Felix. You seem like a very sweet boy." She said fondly. At this Y/n's father let out a grunt, earning a smack on the arm from Taeyeon.

"Hyungsik, be polite." She whisper scolding, giving her husband dirty looks. He loosened his posture and began eating himself, but still refused to give Felix a friendly glance.

"You know Felix, when Y/n was little.." Taeyeon started.

Y/n's head shot up, worried about the words that would follow. Rationally she knew that no matter what her mom told Felix, he would already know. He probably even knew worse or more embaressing stories than her parents could offer. Still, Y/n felt worried about what her parents would mention.

"... She had an imaginary friend with your name; She called him Felix." 

Y/n coughed on her food at the mention. There was no imaginary friend named Felix, only him coming and going between Earth and the Heavens. Felix just smirk, his face full of amusement. If Taeyeon noticed this expression, she didn't show it. She simply continued with the story.

"It must've been when she was only 5 or so.. she swore and swore she spent all day playing with 'Felix' and that he disappeared when we came into the room." Taeyeon let out a chuckle. "Every kid has imaginary friends, but our little Y/n was so insistent."

Y/n couldn't help but blush despite knowing there was nothing to really be embarrassed about. Yet when she looked at Felix, she could see his playful expression and couldn't stop her reddening cheeks. She chose to look down and simply focus on eating, similar to her how her dad was acting.

"Is that so?" Felix said, looking at Y/n. "What a coincidence, maybe thats why she accepted my confession." He said, perfectly playing the part of a kind and caring boyfriend. 

The rest of the meal when smoothly, her mother seemed to take a big liking to Felix while her father... stayed stoic. Y/n could tell he was being overprotective. After all, it was her first time bringing home a boy, even as a friend.

Soon they were cleaning up the table. Y/n reached for dishes to clean, but before she could take them Felix grabbed the plate.

"I can get this for you." He said, looking up at her eyes. Somehow, such a small gesture made her heart flutter.

Suddenly, Y/n's father cleared his throat and looked at Felix. Y/n saw his face fall and for the first time, Felix looked intimidated.

"Felix." Hyungsik said, waving the boy over. "Come talk to me in my study." 

Before Felix could reply Taeyeon came and took the dishes from his hands with a smile, leaving Felix to follow Y/n's father.

"Good luck" Y/n whispered, watching the two of them walk down the hall.

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