Festival pt. 1

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It was finally the day of the school festival, Y/n anticipated it highly. All day the courtyard was being decorated by various clubs; They each made booths filled with games to pull in new members and raise a bit of money. Hyunjin and Jeongin spent the morning ensuring everything went smoothly as it was student councils job to run the event, but once they finished they could enjoy the activities themselves.

That afternoon, Y/n walked hand in hand with Felix into the school gates. The entire area was transformed with festivities, and Y/n wondered how she had never bothered to attend one of these. They quickly spotted Minho and Jisung standing by a game booth.

"You guys!" She called, running over to meet them. "How is Minho allowed to attened? I can't believe it!" Y/n said laughing. Minho's expulsion form the school prevented him going on school grounds during the day, so Y/n didn't expect to see him here. Jisung smiled proudly and Minho smirked, it was clear the two of them had found some sort of loophole.

"Students are allowed to bring a plus one from another school, just a little fake paperwork and Minho is a student from a high school across town." The pair smiled and high-fived each other, causing Y/n to laugh.

She pointed to the game they were playing, a simple set up of knocking over bottles. "Are you winning anything?"

"Jisung is actually really good at this." Minho said shaking his head.

"Yeah Y/n I can win you something!" He offered. "The prizes aren't very good though.." Jisung gestured to the prize wall, filled with cheap and useless toys. The club member running the booth just scoffed at the boys comment.

Y/n accepted his offer, and the two began playing together. Minho and Felix watched, standing further behind and laughing at the duo. Felix couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, despite it being just Jisung. But that was part of the problem, the fact that is was Jisung was what bothered him. Minho quickly picked up on Felix's mood shift, understanding why he felt that way.

"Have you still not explained to her?" He said, clearly disapproving. Felix's silence gave enough of an answer.

"Yongbok really? You're causing more problems for yourself. If you told her you'd feel better about them hanging out."

Felix sighed, rolling his eyes. "It's not like you and Jisung." He said in a hushed tone. "He's been in love with you for years, there has never been a question about it."

"Do you doubt her or something? Why are you saying things like that?" Minho sounded genuinely surprised. Felix was tempted to say that he wouldn't understand, but the opposite was true. Minho was the only one who really did understand, as they were in the same situation.

After playing, Jisung won a small plush keychain and gave it Y/n. It was small chick, reminding Y/n of Felix. She smiled, attaching it to her backpack.

"Doesn't it look like you?" She said to Felix, showing off the prize as her and Jisung walked over. Felix blushed and smiled, feeling silly about his jealousy. He pulled the girl into a hug, placing a kiss on the top her head. The sudden gesture made Y/n's heart pound and heat rushed to her face. 

When he let go, she cleared her throat, feeling awkward in front of Jisung and Minho. "Aren't you guys hungry? Let's go find something sweet."

On the other side of event, Chan walked around looking for something to do. He had his camera out, looking for any potential photos. He held it up and looked through the lens, scanning the school grounds. To his surprise, he saw Changbin walking towards the building.

Chan smiled and ran over, slinging his arm around the other's shoulders.

"Hey! I didn't expect you to be here, I thought you'd be sleeping or moping around somewhere."

Changbin was startled at the action, but didn't push him away. "Yeah, some things came up so I decided to make an appearance." 

"You're always so vague Changbin. I wonder what you're hiding."

Chan's words startled Changbin, suddenly he felt like getting close to him was a bad idea. He didn't expect Chan to be so curious, then he remembered Chan had mentioned he was somewhat of a journalist. 

Changbin playfully pushed Chan away, hoping that he didn't notice anything. "It's for Jeongin, you're so nosy." 

The light teasing seemed to be enough of a distraction, and Chan laughed before waving him off. Changbin headed inside, going for the student council room to investigate. That warding must be here somewhere, once I break it she'll get off my back.

Chan continued to wander the ground, eventaully spotting Jeongin and Hyunjin near a booth. Hyunjin caught his eye, and gave a friendly smile and waved him over. 

"Hey Chan! We're about to go to the home ec club's booth. They are serving desserts!"

"Oh really? That sound's delicious."

"Come with us!" Hyunjin offered, earning a frown from Jeongin. It wasn't that Jeongin had anything against Chan, but he was excited to hang out with Hyunjin. For once the two of them would be doing something other than student council duties.

Chan accepted the offer without hesitation, falling in step alongside the two boys. "Oh Jeongin, have you seen Changbin yet? He said he was doing something for you." Chan said, turning towards the younger.

Jeongin furrowed his brows, unsure of what Chan was talking about. A familiar anxiety set it, and he looked up at Chan with wide eyes.

"Something for me? Where did he go?"

"I'm not too sure, he went into the school."

Jeongin cursed under his breath and stopped walking. He immediately started heading for the building, telling the other two to go on without him. 

Changbin stood in the student council room, already having rummaged through most of it. He was starting to feel like his luck was running out when he finally found a loose board towards the back. Pulling on it, he found the warding written on the foundation of the building. He stared, hesitating. Suddenly, he heard movement in the hallway. Changbin tensed, turning towards the door and seeing Jeongin burst through.

Jeongin took in the scene before him, his brother standing over the uncovered warding with a hardened yet pained expression. He was out of breath from running, but panic and adrenaline quickly allowed him to gain his composure again.

"Changbin don't! Please!"

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