Festival Pt. 3

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Meanwhile, Jeongin and Changbin stood in the room, neither wanting to move. They waited for the inevitable, and soon Seulgi came walking through the classroom door. Her dark stilettos clicked as she walked across the tile, making her way to where Jeongin stood. She took his face in her hands, a sinister smile on her face.

"My youngest son! So you've been here? A shame you felt the need to hide from your mother." She said mockingly. Neither boys spoke, the tense silence hanging in the air. "Now who taught you such a specific and strong warding? Your poor brother worked like a dog to find it." Nothing about her words were sweet, and hearing them made both Jeongin and Changbin sick to their stomachs.

"Why so quiet? Hm? Neither of you have anything to say to me?" She looked between the two of them, but both looked away and refused to meet her eyes.

"Well!" She said, clapping her hands together, "Let us go home now."

She turned to leave, surprised to find nobody following her.

"Really darlings? Enough of this." She looked between her sons, before pointing a finger at Changbin. "Speak."

Changbin wasn't sure what to say. He had done what she asked, what more did she want? Finally, he opened his mouth. 

"Mother, he doesn't want to go." Changbin said, gesturing slightly towards Jeongin. Seulgi turned to meet the youngers eyes, clearly on the brim of tears.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps in the hallway, causing everyone's head to turn towards the door. Hyunjin busts through, Seulgi no longer visible but her presence still felt. Hyunjin surveyed he scene in front of him, unsure how to react to the depressing and tense atmosphere.

"Wow. The room is a mess." He said awkwardly, "What are you guys doing?"

"Hyunjin, you should go." Changbin said, not wanting to get him involved.

Hyunjin had never seen Changbin so serious, it was shocking and scared him. He looked to see Jeongin's reaction, but the boy had a similar expression.

"Jeongin what's going on?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly. 

"Changbin is right, you need to go." Jeongin's voice didn't come off as harsh as Changbin, instead filled with desperation. Seeing Hyunjin's hurt expression, Jeongin became more frantic to make him leave before he could get harmed. "Hyunjin I don't want you to get hurt. You have to go quickly! I'll... I'll explain later."

Changbin watched the scene before him. It was suddenly all too clear how Jeongin felt about Hyunjin. and he said I was the one fond of humans.. Soon, Changbin began to panic. If he could tell, then so could she.

"Jeongin!" He snapped. "Stop talking!"

Hyunjin and Jeongin both looked over, but Changbin's words came to late. Suddenly, Seulgi was behind Hyunjin, a hand wrapped around his throat, her long nails pressing into the skin.

"Jeongin, darling. Him? He's just a boy." She said tauntingly. Jeongin's eyes widened, and Changbin had never seen him look so helpless.

"Mother let him go!" Jeongin cried out.

Hyunjin stood still, his breath shaky and not saying anything.

"Jeongin don't whine." She said, tightening her hand and causing Jeongin's mouth to snap shut. "You've been with these humans too long. Having feelings like this? You can't let it get in the way of your duty."

"Mother Jeongin is just a boy himself!" Changbin said, pointing to Jeongin. "He is human. It is not his duty!" Changbin had never been so bold to his mother, but he couldn't just watch as his younger brother pleaded.

Seulgi bore her eyes in Changbin, dropping Hyunjin on the ground without another thought. He gasped for breath, Jeongin immediately at his side. Seulgi made her way across the room to Changbin. He stood his ground, despite feeling as though his legs might give out.

"He is NOT a boy. He is of age. It became his duty when you failed. These are things you know by heart." She said.

Changbin was at a loss for words, once again reminded that he had failed. She raised her hand, and Changbin closed his eyes, bracing himself for pain. The pain never came, and he opened his eyes to see Seulgi staring at the doorway.

There stood Minho, eyes glowing an a halo visible above his head. It was a blinding light, both Hyunjin and Jeongin were squinting away. In an instant, Minho closed the gap between them, slamming into Seulgi. Despite her efforts to dodge, she still got struck on the side. 

Even though she had just been hit, a wild smile grew on her face. "Angels! My sons, you have been hiding such a precious thing!" She said, sounding manic.

Outside, Felix held Y/n's hand tightly. He knew that Minho had left to investigate, leaving him alone with Jisung and Chan. Y/n ate her dessert quietly, it was hard to enjoy after hearing what Felix said. To add to it, Chan sat unaware, happily eating cake. Y/n wasn't sure if he didn't care or couldn't read the room. Jisung looked on edge, but he knew better than to worry about Minho. 

"So you guys know Changbin right? That's what Hyunjin said." Chan said, mouth full.

Felix rolled his eyes, and Y/n gave an awkward smile. "Yeah. Where is Hyunjin?"

Chan watched Felix's reaction, noticing his possessive nature. "He went looking for Jeongin." Chan said, waving off the topic. "Felix, you're clearly the jealous type. Why is that?" 

Felix scoffed, not entertained by Chan's teasing. "You trying to do a story on my relationship reporter boy?"

Chan laughed, not seeming to mind Felix's rude words. 

"Sorry, but what do you mean he went looking for Jeongin?" Y/n chimed in, worried about where he might be.

"Changbin went in the school, Jeongin went looking for Changbin, Hyunjin went looking for Jeongin, and I'm pretty sure that other guy you were with went looking for them. Everyone is looking for each other." He said, clearly uninterested in the topic, until he saw everyone's face. Y/n and looked at Felix with worry, who's own expression seemed deep in thought. This piqued Chan's interest, "Hey why is everyone looking for each other? Something secret is going on?" He said, leaning in.

Jisung was the first to answer, trying his best to smile in a way that wasn't awkward. "That's not where Minho went." He lied, "Whatever it is, it's probably not as interesting as you think."

Chan shrugged, content with the answer for now.

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