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Y/n rolled her eyes are her ringing cell phone, Seungmin's number lighting up the screen. How many times has he called her and demanded that she and Felix rush off to meet him. Y/n wished it wouldn't become a habit, but that seemed unlikely now.

She was in the middle of doing a long homework assignment with Felix, both of them sat on her bed equally confused at the questions. It felt so normal to be sitting on the bed and working on something as average as homework. These days, moments like this provided her an escape from the stressful situations at hand.

"Hello?" She answered in an annoyed tone. Seungmin's words came out in a rush, she could barely understand what he was saying. However, his main point got across. 

Her eyes found Felix's and he was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. She regretted not putting the phone on speaker so that he could hear too. It seemed like too much to repeat, her heart was already pounding. 

Y/n hung up the phone, quickly getting off the bed and grabbing her jacket.

"Y/n? What is it?" Felix asked, slowly standing up. He placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her frantic state. It seemed to work, and she looked at him and took deep breaths.

Felix always had a calming effect on her. Y/n had always chalked it up to his angelic side, but now she was wondering if that really was the case. He didn't have that now, and she felt just as comforted by his presence. It wasn't any angelic power that gave him his soft eyes and sturdy hands. Those things were just Felix.

"We have to go to Seungmin's; I think he knows how to fix your seal. Oh- and he said something about Chan being there? I'm not sure on that part."

Felix didn't say anything. Y/n thought she saw an emotion flash through his eyes, but she couldn't quite place it. Relief? Regret? As soon as it came it was gone, and Felix had regained his composure. He nodded, and the two headed out the door.

Before they could knock on the door, it flew open. Chan stood, a wide smile of excitement rather than his typical grin of mischief. It was no wonder he got along so well with Changbin.

"So not a fairy but an angel? I mean thats even bigger. Would you mind answering a few questions for me?"

Felix rolled his eyes and pushed past him, ignoring Chan's curiosity.  "Someone put him in a corner." He grumbled.

Y/n followed, giving a Chan an apologetic smile on behalf of Felix. However, as always Chan seemed unfazed.

Changbin sat on the opposite end of the couch from Jeongin. Y/n didn't even want to ask what had happened. She knew the brothers had a complex relationship that she didn't want to pry into. Besides, she was focused on more pressing matters.

"Seungmin can you really unseal Felix's angel powers?" She asked her voice sounding hopeful.

"Wow I can't believe I get to witness this." Chan said, sounding like a child about to watch his favorite movie.

Changbin scoffed, "I need some air."

He stood up and walked out of the apartment, leaving the rest standing in the room. Felix didn't acknowledge Changbin, and instead still looked at Seungmin for his response.

"I'm pretty sure I can do it."

"Already?" Felix said, his voice coming out smaller than he meant to.

Seungmin snapped his head towards Felix, looking offended by the question. "Already? I've been working my ass off to fix this after you threw the worlds biggest tantrum. What do you mean already?" 

Felix didn't know how to reply. He had a million emotions running through his head. Wasn't this what he wanted? His eyes found Y/n's. She looked at him with concern in her eyes. It was obvious she knew what he was thinking. Based on their earlier conversation, she knew that he was hesitating.

Looking at her made him question everything. What if he told Seungmin no. What would happen? Would he be able to live the rest of his life out as human? He studied Y/n's features. Her eyes and nose that fit perfectly on her face. Her lips that he loved to kiss. The only thing he felt for certain was that he loved her. Felix loved Y/n more than he loved his own being. Wouldn't that make her worth giving up power for?

But this went against everything he was ever taught. He only existed to protect her, and ensure her success. She was gifted by an ancient bloodline that guaranteed her safety in the world. How could he take that away from her? It was selfish to make such a huge decision purely based on his feelings. 

He thought back to his days in the academy. It was no wonder the headmasters forbid any sort of romance between angels their person. If felt nothing, than he wouldn't hesitate. He wouldn't be feeling this conflict.

He thought about Minho and Jisung. How was Minho able to do his job? It seemed possible. If so, then couldn't he just get his powers and be with Y/n anyways? But Felix already knew he couldn't. Not really. Not after he had kept so many secrets about his relationship with her. Not after he had experienced a day by her side as human. 

Even if he hadn't made those mistakes, they would never be able to live normally. It would always be secret: the threat of the headmasters looming overhead.

"Felix?" Y/n said gently, placing her hand on his arm. He wasn't sure how long he was standing in silence, completely lost in thought. He looked around the room, seeing that now Jeongin was paying attention. Seungmin stood with his arms crossed, seeming slightly less annoyed. Chan of course was watching excitedly, as if it was some sort soap opera. 

The room suddenly felt too crowded, the air too thick. Felix felt his breath quicken although he tried not to show it. He reached for Y/n's hand giving it a quick squeeze. 

"I think I need a moment." He said, only loud enough for her to hear. He turned and walked out the front door, not waiting for anyone to stop him.

Felix x Reader : Guardian WingsWhere stories live. Discover now