The End

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It was late now, almost 2 am. Everyone was reading through their own stack of books from Seungmin's library, trying to find any sort of information that could be helpful. Reading them gave Y/n a headache. She had never consumed so much information on the occult and it was a bit overwhelming. She looked at Chan, thinking he would be in a similar boat. However he was actively invested in every page. He read with furrowed brows and complete concentration. 

She wasn't finding anything truly helpful to their cause, although many of the text held a lot of interesting information. She wondered what Hyunjin was doing, as everyone seemed to be here except for him. Well, neither were Jisung and Minho. Last she had heard they were staying at the beach house that she had visited with them and Felix. In fact, that was where they had their first kiss. It was also the first time she felt Felix presence leave her, when he looked away while she took a walk with Jisung. It had felt empty, and a little scary. Now that she was used to it, it felt almost freeing. It felt a bit lighter. She thought that comfort of Felix would leave when his gaze did, but it wasn't hard to still find that warm feeling.

She continued to read, although she wasn't very invested in the books. Y/n knew it was important, but studying was never her forte. 

"Okay look, here is a spell for removing his soul, but how would we make it unusable?" Chan said, pointing to the page.

"You found a spell for that?! Give me it." Seungmin snatched the book from his hands, reading the words carefully. "This could... work. It sounds painful." 

The group looked at Felix, seeing if he would protest or not.

"Pain is fine. As long as I live."

Felix seemed certain, so Seungmin shrugged and went back to reading the pages. Y/n however, felt more concerned about the process. She took Felix's hand, giving it a squeeze. 

"Are you sure? You don't have to do this."

Felix squeezed her hand back, "I'm sure. I'm doing it for you, but I'm also doing it for Changbin and Jeongin. They deserve to be free."

Y/n was still worried about the process, but she nodded, understanding his resolve. She was proud that he was finally getting along with the others. She didn't know if it came naturally or if the original seal on his powers had allowed him to think differently, but it was clear that Felix had matured.

"Would a regular soul destroying spell work on an angel one?" Jeongin asked.

"Destroying a soul will kill the host." Changbin said, waving him off.

"Obviously I know that, but there won't be a host when we take the soul out."

Changbin took the book from Jeongin, reading over each word carefully. 

" 'The destroyed soul causes a release of energy large enough to break the bones and melt the insides of it's hosted body.' That is horribly gruesome." Changbin said, throwing the book on the floor.

"But if it's just a release of energy that's doing the killing, it wouldn't be released in Felix's body." Y/n said, starting to understand Jeongin's idea.

"Exactly, and all it says is that the spell must be completed on the original host, it doesn't say the soul has to still be there." 

This idea was starting to look hopeful, but dangerous. They weren't entirely sure if it would go according to plan. They didn't even really have a plan to base it on. None of them were entirely sure the spell would work; There were too many factors. Was an angel soul immune to this magic? Did it matter the distance between the host and soul? Would Felix's headmasters sense it's destruction? 

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