Walk Home

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After lunch, the rest of the day seemed to drag on. Felix tried his best not to panic every time Y/n was out of his sights, but it wasn't easy. It had never occurred to him just how much he relied on his powers. It didn't help that Y/n was still upset about her so called betrothal with Jisung. It was never going to be a thing anyways, he was already with Minho. Who cares what the hire ups thought and what they planned to happen? If it was up to them Felix would never be with Y/n in the first place. That is, if they are still together. Felix was unsure on where exactly they stood. Sure, she had let him in to spend the night but that was only because he was in total panic mode since Seungmin sealed his power.

Felix groaned, laying his head down on the desk. He could feel the teachers glares but easily ignored it. School was a never a priority anyways.. His only priority had always been Y/n. He turned his head across the room to see her. She sat at her desk, hastily writing in her notebook. How she was able to focus on school when they had so many other problems was beyond him. Still, it was admirable that she still managed to put effort into being a student. He couldn't help but notice how the even in the harsh fluorescent lights of school she looked beautiful. There wasn't anytime Felix thought she looked anything less.

He was pretty sure he had been thinking about her all day when the dismissal bell finally rang. Felix shoved his things into his bag as quick as he could, quickly standing and turning towards Y/n. However, he saw her desk was empty. She already left?

A familiar anxiety set it, felt by a quickening heart and his stomach turning to knots. He quickly tried to shake it off, quickly walking into the hallway instead. Hyunjin had already left too, so it was entirely possible they had walked out of the room together. Perhaps they were looking for the others as well. It wasn't unusual for Y/n to be the first to exit the room, the only unusual part was Felix's lost sight.

His breath caught when he didn't immediately see her in the hallway, and he could feel his feet getting quicker as he moved around various people trying to leave the building. Rounding the corner, his eyes locked on her leaning up against the lockers. He let out a sigh of relief, although he knew his panic was unwarranted. There she stood, chatting with Hyunjin as he pulled out various textbooks and stuffed them into his back. Y/n's eyes brightened as she laughed at something he said, and Felix could feel the jealousy in his gut. 

Although it felt like forever ago, he thought back to the "date" the pair had shared at the start of the year. He had been able to watch her then, and already knew how it went. He remembered how much she had spoken of him, and how each mention seemed to make Hyunjin's smile slightly smaller. It seemed mean, but the thought made Felix smile. He liked Hyunjin sure, but he didn't like the idea of him being close with Y/n. Either way, Hyunjin's feelings seemed to have passed, and Y/n's were never really there in the first place.

Felix made his way over to the pair, putting on a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"What's so funny?"  He asked, leaning on against the lockers on the other side of Hyunjin, forcing him to turn away from Y/n.

"Nothing.. just talking about student council." Hyunjin shrugged, closing his locker and slinging his bag onto his back.

"Boring. Anyways Y/n, ready to go home?" 

Y/n nodded, saying goodbye to Hyunjin and leaving the school with Felix.

"Isn't it weird to not see Minho waiting here for Jisung?" She said as they walked by the school gate.

Felix thought about it and shrugged, still feeling a bit upset that the pair left in the middle of such a dire situation.

A silence fell over the duo. No matter what Felix did things still felt a bit awkward. He knew Y/n wanted space, and he wasn't being very good about giving it. But how could he when her life is in danger and he can't even protect her?

"How was your day?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. For the first time, Felix felt as though he was asking without already knowing. Of course he had spent most of the day by Y/n's side, but there were still gaps in everything she did. He didn't know how she had felt or if anything had happened when he was facing the other direction.

This curiosity was unfamiliar, but he welcomed it. It felt nice to ask such a normal question and wait for a normal response. Even with something so basic, the idea of learning about Y/n made him excited. She was always surprising him, but now without his powers there were countless new bits of information for her to share.

Is this excitement something everyone feels over the person they love? Felix wondered to himself.  Maybe this was why humanity fought so hard for the things they loved, feeling that his desire for Y/n went beyond a primal protectiveness. 

He looked at her for her answer, and she began to explain all the tedious task and notes she had been taking. The two discussed various parts of work from their ever-annoying teacher. Felix smiled, and for the first time in weeks he felt a large part of his stress fading. He felt... normal. He felt as though the two of them had no other problems than a regular teenager. He though about what Jeongin said during lunch; Couples fight. 

Although the fighting wasn't pleasant, it felt good to be apart of such a shared experience. Jeongin was right: Couples fight, and they go to school, and they walk home, and ask each other about their day.

Felix smiled at Y/n, although she seemed oblivious as she was dramatically complaining about the quality of school food. He felt the warmth in his chest when looking at her, but he also felt a new feeling. Something he had never felt before. He felt human. 

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