Chapter 1

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A she-cat clenched a stick between her teeth, and stressfully rolled a ball of moss between her paws, the next thing she knew she saw her first born; she wanted to name her after a kittypet who had offered her shelter as a apprentice.
"I'll name you Banditkit." She turned her gaze to the other kit. "You look strong, you'll be... Stormkit." She turned around to nuzzle a tom laying next to her, her mate?
The tom opened his mouth to speak, but he was speechless. "You did it, Fogleap, I-" he stopped, just honoring the moment.

(2 days later)

Banditkit squeaked "That hurt!" Sassily looking away, licking her now, bleeding paw.
She mewed unhappily at Swifthare, the Riverclan medicine cat.
She wandered toward the nursery. She took a moment to look over at Pikepaw, who, like usual was spreading rumors and gossip.
She turned her gaze back to the nursery, spotting a brown tom. It was Bearslash, she approached her father, nuzzling him.
"Hey, Banditkit? Do you mind if I give you a tour of the camp later?" He sounded excited, 'perhaps he is having a good day!' Banditkit thought.
"Of course, that would be awesome!" She purred enthusiastically, "Can we do it now?" She asked.
Bearslash nodding in return "Grab Stormkit and follow me, then." He urged Banditkit, licking her behind the ear.
Banditkit ran into the nursery, requesting Stormkit. And of course she accepted, the two she-cats trotting outside the nursery with one another.
The tom purred, showing the kits around camp.

(Later on after the tour)

"That's all!" Bearslash purred, dismissing the kits. Letting out a sigh of relief and beginning to walk off when Banditkit began to speak to him.
"Is the tour really over?" Banditkit complained, looking sad. Groaning out of boredom and annoyance.
"Yes, yes it is." Bearslash replied, licking his chest fur. Waiting for the kit to muster up a reply that worked out in her side of the argument.
"But it was so short!" Banditkit retorted after a good minute of thinking. Looking over to Stormkit as they entered the nursery together, yawning.

BanditKit didn't know why the camp felt so small but it did, maybe I should take a tour by myself, she thought. Banditkit yawns, entering the nursery, snuggling up against Fogleap's soft pelt, drifting off to sleep. A deep purr in the kit's throat.

(Chapter end)

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