Chapter 14

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Chris grinned when she walked down the apartment block stairs. He eyed her up and down when he knew she wouldn't notice. He knew it was gonna be difficult not to jump her right there but did she have to wear those jeans?

"We gonna go or are you gonna oogle me all night, Sabin?" She smiled. He laughed. "Well maybe you shouldv'e worn a potato sack coz that's the only way I'm not gonna check you out." She couldn't help but smile at him. He got up off the car and opened her door for her. As she got in he HAD to look down her shirt. "Damn." he whispered, trying to control himself. He got in the car and started it. "Which one?"

"I was thinking.. Observe and Report..."

"Oh that movie sucked!" Sonjay yelled. The game had been paused and they all gathered around Sabin like a teenage girls slumber party. Sonjay was met with a sharp smack to the back of his cap covered head.

"Shut up and let him speak, Retesh." Sonjay frowned at the use of his real name, taking off his hat to rub his head. "Can I get back to the story now?" Sabin asked the group. "Good..."

She said she loved Seth Rogen so Sabin thought he couldn't go wrong. The theater was empty. Prolly not a good sign of a new movie. Ava sat down dead centre of the theatre, telling him that they were the best seats.

He sat, passing her a drink and some popcorn, all of which he insisted on paying for, including the tickets. "You really didn't have to buy me everything, you know." She smiled over at him.

He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. "You can just pay me back later..."

"-And then you did her, right!?" Sonjay grinned, slapping his friends shoulder. They room rolled their eyes away from the indian man. For a guy who had got with Val, he really had no game.

"No Sonjay, I didn't." Chris sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, wondering why he was friends with these people.

"That was shit."

Ava laughed how Chris sounded. Like pissed off but trying not to laugh. "Yeah, like really bad." Ava laughed. "I mean. I only really payed attention to half but what I actually heard was just... It was just bad." She laughed. Sabin groaned, rubbing his temples. "Aw, what's wrong Sabin?" She laughed, punching his arm.

"Nothing." He smiled at the girl. Just that I could have been mackin' on with you for at least 90 minutes. He sighed, "I feel like going for a drive." He smiled. She smirked. "Sounds good."

And then you did her right?"
No one got pissed at him that time, they were all thinking the same thing. A night drive. That lasted like three hours. Of course something happened. "No. We drove. And talked. It was cool." Sabin smiled. Petey laughed, but stopped when everyone stared. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." Chris smiled, standing up. "And then I took her home, and then I came back here, and wasted my time talking to you fools." Chris spoke, walking toward the bathroom, ready for a shower.

"What!? That's it!?" EY yelled. Chris turned back to the group, and smiled. "Yeah EY, that's it." Chris closed the door, turning on the shower and sitting on the closed toilet seat to take off his shoes.

Chris walked around the car, opening the door for her. She smiled as she got out. It was alot colder than it was when they left, understandable, it was late.

They walked back to the door, he smiled at her. "I had a really really good time. Despite the shitty weather and even shittier movie." She laughed, he grinned looking at her dimples. She was adorable and then some.

She bit her lip, looking to the ground, then to his eyes, then his mouth and quickly back to his eyes. "Chris..." He bit his tongue, knowing what was coming. But he had to control himself. "Would you like to come upstairs with me?"

Would he like to?
He would love to.
He would kill to.
But he couldn't.

His mouth formed an 'O' and his hand went to his chest, pretending to be disgusted at the notion. "Why Ava Williams, I am not that kind of girl." She laughed, although feeling incredibly uncomfortable. He had to come upstairs, she needed him to. If not for the incredible sex that was sure to happen, but because she would be right, and Angelina would be wrong.

"If I had known you just wanted to do me I wouldn't have bothered planning such an intricate date." He smirked. She bit her lip, trying not to smile. "A simple no would suffice, Sabin."

He smiled and quickly leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. He left them there, letting her put her hand on his face, deepening the kiss for a moment. The second it got too heated he pulled his lips away, but let their foreheads rest against each other.

"We're going out again." He spoke breathlessly.
"Oh, really? What if I don't want to after this heartless rejection."
He smiled, "Well Ava, you're gonna have to endure another oh-so horrible movie or at least dinner if you want to get into my pants." She laughed again and pulled away.

"I'll see you, Williams." He grinned, still flushed, walking down the steps.
"Friday." She yelled. He turned and looked at her with one eyebrow raised. "7:30. I'll pick the movie." He smiled back at her. "It's a date."

Sabin sighed, realizing in all the time he was thinking the bathroom had filled with steam. He quickly undressed and stepped into the shower. He smiled thinking to himself. Yeah, that last part he could definatley keep to himself.

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