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♕i woke up from my sleep very energized and then i changed into a different loincloth for the day.

i start climbing down home tree once done and tell my parents good morning
"good morning father and mother, i hope you slept well" *signs i see you*

"i'm gonna go hunting, i will be back later" i say walking out "you are not even going to eat before you go?" my dad asks
"i am not hungry but thank you father."
"do not be back too late!" your mom says.
"of course sa'nok" "very well, go on."
not waiting another moment you walked out and quickly called na'huk. "ah finally you came, i was starting to think you abandoned me" i joke. na'huk got mad and didnt wait for me to get fully on, making me fall half ways when he was in the sky but as i was falling he picked me up again. i kinda lost my breath cause he knocked it out of me.
we were flying around the forest more and more when i remembered the avatar from yesterday and i got a little too curious and sorta maybe went back to the same spot, not that i wanted to see him again but just to check if the thanator got to him or not.
to my surprise he still was but this time he was being stalked by a pack of viperwolves.
i made na'huk slow down and settle into a tree not to high up so they couldn't see or hear me. "ugh this is taking to long" i say. i knelt down and got my bow and my arrow and i aimed at the avatar.

 i knelt down and got my bow and my arrow and i aimed at the avatar

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just as i was about to shoot, an atokirina landed on my bow. a sign from eywa. i put my bow down and watch as the atokirina descends back into the air. 



grace looks over into the forest with binoculars incase she sees the lost marine. 

"im gonna have to call it guys, were not allowed to run night ops. colonels orders." trudy says 

"im sorry doc, hes just gonna have to hang on till morning." she adds flying the other direction.

"he wont make it till morning" grace says. she kinda felt bad for him, poor guy was gonna die on day 2.

norm feels the same as they head back to the base.

༇༇༇                                                                                                                        it was past eclipse now and  i saw that the avatar was struggling to keep them away. there were viperwolves everywhere he looked. stalking him in the trees. he had his button up shirt wrapped on a stick. then he dipped it in the sap from a tree. it was ingulphed with flames in a second as he lit it with a match. he swung at the predators and ran a little deeper to escape them. he didnt succeed and they just got closer. 

"i dont have all god damn night, come on!" he grunts.

as soon as he said that one of them snapped at his leg. he smacked it away with the fire stick and they immediately started attacking him. he shoved the fire stick in the wolves mouth losing it. he got his knife out of his holder and he stands defensively. one jumped on top of him and started snapping at him making him fall fack onto the ground. he started wrestling with it and slashed him as he flipped over.  he got up and started running but they snagged his leg and he fell forward once again but kicks it away. he still failed to shoo them and once another was on top of him i quickly got up and jumped down shooting an arrow through it.  he kneels again looking around to see where the bow was coming from. i run and jump from a branch higher and i shoot another again, the avatar looks in awe and slight comfort that he was safe. i whacked one and spun around to hit the other. one wolve jumped at me making me drop my bow. i rolled backward slamming it down then stabbing it twice. i crawled to  grab my bow and i got up hitting  a few more. i kept whacking them away until they finally started to fall back. i let out a hard hiss with my ears pinned back to my head. i felt so bad for the wolves.

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