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♕"okay. lets go get you into more appropriate clothing" i say

i walk up the spiral to the room of attire the men of our clan wear. i could feel jakes eyes on me. i walk into the room and get a loincloth from the rack.

♔she gave me the clothes i was to change in and i walk into a place where she couldn't see me and changed.
i changed quickly but i dont know what she was talking about cause this isn't very comforting.
i followed her again up the spiral of the tree into a space where the whole village was sitting in a group. i couldnt keep my eyes off of her.

 i couldnt keep my eyes off of her

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"come. lets sit." she says to me as she takes my hand and starts walking to an empty spot and she seats me next to her.
♕"here" i say handing him his leaf plate of food.
"so what's your name?" jake asks
"ak'tari te tskaha ik'eyni'ite" i reply while eating.
jake, confused asks "again a whole lot slower?" "ak'tari"
"ohh, aktali" jake says
"ak'tari" i say slowly.
(had to keep it original there 😭🥲)
her voice is so soft and amazing, i could listen to it all day.
"ak'tari, nice to meet you" "nice to meet you, jake".
♕after we finished eating jake followed me to the sleeping columns where i had to sleep there with him for the "education" of him. i then demonstrated how to get in and he layed in the hammock next to mine.
i could tell he was scared, not moving a muscle.
"be calm, you are not going to fall" i tell him. he calms down and starts to relax. before i decided to fall asleep i looked at him and i see he is fine so i turned around and guided my hammock to close itself ready to sleep.
♔jake starts waking up and as he opens his eyes the light blinds him.
"jake! jake! there he is good job" grace says while softly slapping his face to wake him faster.
jake finally sits himself up and starts to recognize everything and adjusts.
"you were dug in like a tick, what happened out there? is your avatar safe?" grace questions him all at once
"woahh okay grace your talking wayy to fast but yes my avatars safe, and you wont believe where i am doc" he says laughing cocky and confident.
⍟they all went for lunch and they sit down and start asking jake more about what happened. "all i see is this marines ass jumping down a waterfall with a thanator trying to kill him!" grace exclaims mocking the thanator biting at him with her hands

 "all i see is this marines ass jumping down a waterfall with a thanator trying to kill him!" grace exclaims mocking the thanator biting at him with her hands

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"well, it's not something you can teach" jake replies while taking another spoonful of his lunch.
"for reasons i cannot fathom, the omaticaya chose you!"grace says shocked.
norm was filled with jealousy because how could this new guy who knew nothing about the na'vi and their culture get that opportunity?
♔jake goes to where quaritch and self ridge are to make his report.
"jarhead clan?"quaritch asks "and it worked?"
"hey, im practically family, theyre gonna study me. i have to learn to be one of them learn to be one of them." jake replies "thats called taking the initiative son, i wish i had 10 more like you!" quaritch laughs
"look sully, sully just find out what the blue monkeys want. y'know i mean we tried to give them medicine, education, roads but no no no they like mud. and that wouldn't bother me it's just they're damn village happens to be sitting on the richest unobtanium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction, i mean look at all that cheddar!!" selfridge laughs jake is shocked, there is so much.

 and that wouldn't bother me it's just they're damn village happens to be sitting on the richest unobtanium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction, i mean look at all that cheddar!!" selfridge laughs jake is shocked, there is so much

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"well who gets them to move?" jake questions
"what if they wont move?"
"i'm betting that they will."
"okay okay okay look, killing the indigenous looks bad but there's one thing that shareholders hate more than a bad press, and that's a bad quarterly statement. i didn't make up the rules so just find me a carrot that'll get them to move. otherwise it's gonna have to be all stick, kay?" selfridge persuades then looks at quaritch.
"you got six months. that's when the dozers get there" "well we're wasting time." jake says
"i like this guy" selfridge pats jake on the back
"okay, let's run throught them again" grace says.
"mo'at, dragon lady."

"eytucan" "eytukan" grace corrects him"he's the clan leader but shes the spiritual leader, like a shaman" grace explains

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"eytucan" "eytukan" grace corrects him
"he's the clan leader but shes the spiritual leader, like a shaman" grace explains. jake adjusts himself onto the link then continues "t'su'tey" jake says
"tsu'tey" grace corrects him again
"he'll be the next clan leader"
grace shows him one last slide.
"ak'tari" jake says perfectly
"wow that's actually really good jake" grace says appalled " she will become the next tsahik meaning she and the next olo'eyktan will become a mated pair."
jake tries to shake off the thought of tsu'teys and ak'tari being a mated pair but remembered tsu'tey was already with sylwanin so who knows who it's was gonna be.

"so who's this eywa?" he asks
"whos eywa?! only their deity. their goddess made up of all living things, everything they know! you'd know this if you had any training whatsoever." norm exclaims
"so who's got a date with ak'tari" jake asks "oh come on that's not a-" norm sighs "knock it off, its like kindergarten around here." grace says
jake lays down and prepares to link but grace says "they were my best students, neytiri, sylwanin and ak'tari. just amazing girls." she finishes grace missed them so much it hurt. she wanted to see them again.
"lets go. village life starts early. dont do anything unusually stupid"
jake smiles and closes the lid to the link.
yall i realized how duh duh duh i wrote this 😭
it's literally 4 am rn
973 words

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