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⍟quaritch goes and checks up on how the others have progressed. he walks straight to his pilot seeing everything was ready. it was time.
quaritch announced that they were beginning and took off.
they flew close to the hallelujah mountains.
all of the people were waiting on ak'tari to call when she sees the ships. the olangi people hidden between the trees, the tayrangi and other clans are on their ikrans on the rocks above where the rda would fly.

♕i lean a bit further to see if any ships were in site and as soon as i saw the fan engine i knew. i made the call to prepare. then once they got just under us. i make the final call.
⍟quaritch sees that there are no na'vi in sight, so he thinks they have already won this battle and start going straight to the tree of souls. also thinking that jake is still there.

until he hears distant calling and he looks up

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until he hears distant calling and he looks up. immediately he sees jake.
"lets do this!" he yells over the mic.
♕i call one more time and start flying down as fast as i could, grabbing my bow and getting an arrow on it. as all of us fly down we shoot at the air ships and the windows instantly break.
⍟the rda had a wing with the giant suits as well and guys with guns. meaning the would battle the olangi people. lyle tells the guys to hold up because he saw a lot of the navis on the graph.
"get ready"
the olangi people start to prepare their bows as their pa'li gallop as fast as they can. they shoot countless arrows at the and men start flying everywhere.

they get pinned to trees

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they get pinned to trees. but the people started to fall like dominoes. one after another. the nearby animals started to run away.
♔i throw some airships into rocks with toruk and i jump on some of the other ones shooting the men on them. ak'tari radios me in.
"ma jake! the demons are getting close to the tree of voices, only you can stop them!!" she yells.
i radio back quickly and fly straight towards the ship. ⍟quaritch spots him.

 ⍟quaritch spots him

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