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♔i follow ak'tari up hometree till we get to the top. i walk farther down the branch as i look town i can see the whole forest. the other na'vi look like ants from up here. i see ak'tari continuing to walk further as she looks around she makes a call.
♕i decided i would actually introduce jake to na'huk. i call to him and i look up and see him flying toward us.

i smile as he gets closer

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i smile as he gets closer. as he lands jake flinches and steps back nervously. na'huk flaps his wings and screeches as he settles. "holy shit! so this is what you were riding the other day!" "do not look in his eye." i say as jake immediately looks away. "na'huk, tam tam na'huk" i say as i feed him a treat. "ikran is not horse. once tsaheylu is made, ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life." i say to jake as i make tsaheylu.
i fix his saddle and hop onto his back. na'huk starts to flap his wings again and screeches once more. "to become taronyu, hunter. you must choose your own ikran and he or she must choose you!" exclaim above na'huks screeches.
"when?" jake asks. "when you are ready" i answer pulling down my ionar.

na'huk swooped into the air flapping his beautiful wings

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na'huk swooped into the air flapping his beautiful wings. i breathe the air around me and feel it. i circle around hometree, feeling jakes eyes never leaving my body. i look at him and smile as i make eye contact with him. i hurdle through the vines like nothing as i land back on the branch were we stood. after i sent na'huk back to do his own thing i made jake follow me back down to the base of hometree.
"that was amazing ak'tari. you should tell me more about the ikran and the other animals on pandora." jake says.
"hmm, your actually interested? okay jake i'll tell you more, let's just go sit then."
jake follows me once again up hometree into the sleeping columns. we sat on our hammocks, facing each other and i start to tell him about the animals we have. jakes eyes never left mine when we were talking, i had to admit it made me nervous and it was safe to say i was starting to develop feelings for him.

hours went by and we changed the topics quite a few times. before we knew it time went by fast and it was time to go to sleep. jake said he was tired and quickly fell asleep but i couldn't get out of my thoughts.
i can't be developing feelings for him. its not the right path if i wanna be tsahik being tsahik didnt really matter but i didnt want to disappoint my parents or tiris.  but i couldn't help it. i shut my thoughts out and fell asleep shortly after.
♔"okay. this is video log 12." jake sighs
"times 21:32. ugh, do i have to do this now?! i really need to get some rack." jake says annoyed. grace who was looking at the samples jake provided her tells him he needs to do it while it's fresh. "okay location, shack. the days are starting to blur together."
jakes mind flashes back to all the training you guys had done. he starts explaining all of it. "the other day she was teaching me the language. i gotta say its a real pain in the ass."

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