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Jungkook woke up from the sweet smell invading the entire house, moving on his side he pat the side of the bed with closed eyes.

"Babe...?" He called in a hoarse voice when he felt the bed empty and cold.

Lifting the cover he flopped his feet on the floor, a shiver shook his body from the coldness aggressing him.

Catching a robe on the bedroom door, he made his way out of the room, trotting in the hall on a search for taehyung.

"Tae...?" He called again now going down the stairs.

Once downstairs,the sweet sent became stronger. Giving up his search for taehyung, he followed the smell.

"Morning Jungkook" jin's voice surprise him as soon as he entered the kitchen, he completely forgot that Jin and Namjoon stayed too last night.

A light blush covered his cheeks at the memory.

"Good morning Jin hyung " Jungkook answer a little uncomfortable to be seen like that by the beautiful man in front of him.

"I couldn't really sleep so I made breakfast, it will be soon ready" Jin told the younger with a small smile.

Jungkook nodded in understanding" Need help?" He then ask the older who shake his head vigorously.

"Tae and Joon are in the living room, can you go get them, we will be eating "


With precipitate step, Jungkook quickly went to his boss.

He didn't even have the time to enter completely in the room when two arms snaked around his waist from the back.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well" tae asked in his velvety voice nuzzling in Jungkook's nap.

"Mhhmmm , yes but you left me alone" Jungkook answer with close eyes enjoying the warm invading him at the contact.

"Sorry baby, I won't leave you again" the boss answer between small kiss going from his nap slowly to his jawline.

Carefully swirling the younger without leaving his skin until they end up chest to chest and lips connected.

Both deeply enjoying each other at the moment, they completely forgot their surroundings.

"Hum hum, good morning to you Jungkook" Namjoon said clearing his throat in a attempt to get the boys attention.

Jungkook jolt back from tae's arms a deep crimson color spreading from head to toes.

"M-morning Namjoon hyung" the younger stutter back not able to look his boss brother in the eyes.

Taehyung tskd rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Oh! Right! Jin hyung ask me to get you guys for breakfast " Jungkook quickly add trying to change the mood.

He then feel finger sliding into his hand and wrapping his own, tae give him a slight squeeze following by a beautiful smile before pulling him to the kitchen with him.

Breakfast was delicious, Jin's cooking skills aren't joke.

Stuffing his mouth like a pig eating his last meal, Jungkook had no idea it would be his last one for a long while.

After finishing his dish faster than everyone in the room, he was contemplating tae's one with envy but was distracted by his phone ringing.


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