Chapter 3: Confusion and Heartbreak

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Alaric's point of view:

As a child, I never quite understood why she hated me so much. We were just kids, and yet, she seemed to go out of her way to make my life miserable. Her bullying confused and devastated me, chipping away at my self-esteem and joy little by little.

But as we grew older, I started to see glimpses of something else in her. There were moments where she would look at me with a softness in her eyes, a hint of vulnerability, and it made me wonder if there was more to her than the cruel words and hurtful actions.

It was like there were two completely different people living inside of her: one who tormented me endlessly, and one who seemed almost gentle in her affections. I was confused by her behavior, not knowing whether to take it as a sign of something more or just her being her usual unpredictable self.

It was an exhausting state to live in, constantly questioning every interaction, never sure if I would be mocked or met with kindness. She walked all over me, leaving me battered and bruised emotionally, yet I found myself clinging to those fleeting moments of tenderness like a drowning man grasping at straws.

And then, the bullying started escalating into full-blown abuse. At first, it was just small comments and teasing, but it quickly turned vicious, deliberately cruel and traumatizing. I could see the anger and hatred in her eyes, and it made me feel like there was something deeply wrong with me.

I tried to confront her about it, to ask her what was going on and why she was doing this, but she would just brush me off or mock me even more. It was like she was taking pleasure in my pain, relishing in the power she had over me. I started to hate myself for the way I let her treat me.

I couldn't understand it. How could someone who seemed to care for me in private also openly despise me? It was a confusing and damaging contradiction that I could not reconcile.

It wasn't until she went too far, crossing unforgivable lines, that I finally stood up to her abuse. I looked at her with tears in my eyes and asked, "Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you?"

And her response was just as bewildering as everything else. She looked at me with a mixture of guilt, longing and sadness, mumbling something about not being able to control her emotions.

I wanted to hate her, to walk away and never look back, but I couldn't. There was something about her that pulled me in, even when she was at her worst. Our relationship was a tangled mess of hurt and confusing attraction.

It was like a delicate balance between love and hate, and I didn't know which side was going to win out in the end. All I knew was that I was heartbroken, not knowing what to do or how to feel. The damage had been done, but she still had my heart, for better or for worse. Our story was one of heartstrings torn between hope and anguish.

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