Chapter 39: The Weight of Regret

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Chapter 39: The Weight of Regret

It had been 25 years since the day they last spoke. 25 years of living lives that felt empty and unfulfilling. 25 years of regret, wondering about the road not taken.

Seraphina had married another man, hoping it would help her find happiness. But she was never fully able to give him her heart. She always wondered what might have been with Alaric.

Alaric had married as well, believing it was time to move on from the past. But he never stopped thinking of Seraphina. He felt a deep grief over the life they could have built together.

Over the years, their hurt and bitterness had festered, turning into hatred. But underneath it all, there was still deep love. A love that would never truly die, no matter how much pain it caused.

As they stood there now, face to face for the first time in a quarter century, old wounds reopened. The cycle of anger and betrayal resumed, as if nothing had changed at all.

They were still trapped, as they had always been. Trapped by the shadows of regret and sorrow, unable to break free.

Their story was one of loss and heartbreak. Two souls who were never able to overcome their painful history, condemning each other to lives filled with anguish and longing.

There would be no happy ending for them. Only deep sadness and lingering resentment. The road not taken would haunt them until the end of their days.

Seraphina's POV:
As I looked into Alaric's eyes, I saw a mirror of my own despair. In that moment, I hated him as deeply as I still loved him. Our story was a tragedy, and we were its doomed protagonists, forever bound in anguish.

Alaric's POV:
Looking at Seraphina, I felt the same. I hated her for the pain she had brought me, even as I loved her still. We were ghosts of the people we once were, destined to haunt each other for eternity.

"This was a mistake," I said harshly. "We should never have come."

"You're right," Seraphina said, her voice trembling. "We're better off apart."

And with that, we turned our backs on each other once more. The shadows had won. And there would be no escape for us, not even in death. Our lives would only ever be ones of regret.

The road not taken stretched out behind us, a painful reminder of opportunity lost. But there was no going back now. All that was left was deep sadness, as we returned to the lives that never felt quite our own.

The shadows had claimed us, and we would wander them forever more.

As Seraphina and Alaric walked away from each other once more, the weight of regret settled heavily on their hearts. They knew that they had missed their chance at happiness, condemning themselves to a lifetime of pain and sorrow.

Seraphina's POV:

As I walked away from Alaric, tears streaming down my face, I knew that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I had married another man, hoping that it would fill the void in my heart, but it only made me more miserable.

All those years, I had longed for Alaric, but I never had the courage to reach out to him. And now, it was too late. We were both trapped in the shadows of our past, unable to break free.

The pain of regret was almost too much to bear. I wanted to scream, to cry out for the life that could have been. But there was nothing left to do but carry the weight of my choices and the sorrow that came with them.

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