Helluva boss: Dinotopia

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[starts with a black screen. Then the titles May 19th are shown on the screen. A heartbeat is heard in the background. The title fades away as the screen reveals a fully developed embryo inside an egg, the shadows of a flock of struthiomimus in the background]

[then see snippets of the prehistoric world. A brachiosaurus is in a waterhole, with parasaurolophus and pachyrhinosaurus drinking from the waters edge, a young parasaurolophus chargers at a flock of fleeing scaphognathus. Cut to a shot of a small round egg with a green ambulate shaped like a triceratops with a human face on the frill around it. Cut to the mother dinosaur holding the egg in her hands and smiles warmly]

 Cut to the mother dinosaur holding the egg in her hands and smiles warmly]

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[fade to inside the egg as the embryo's eye is seen. It faintly opens before cutting to black. Then see an Oviraptor snatch the egg up and run into the jungle. See snippets of the Oviraptor fighting over the egg with another of its kind before they drop it into the river, then an Azhdarcho pterosaur scoops it up with its beak as it soars over the dinosaur filled landscape before heading to its destination. It's nest near a foreboding whirlpool. A pair of darwinopterus fly to it and screech and ship at it, causing the Azhdarco to drop the egg directly into the whirlpool]

[fade to a shot of the egg moving around in the wrath ring. Two figures walk up to it. Crimson and his wife Camilla. The newborn reveals itself squeaking feebly for his mother. Camilla scoops up the newborn holding him gently in her arms]

 Camilla scoops up the newborn holding him gently in her arms]

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Camilla: I'll call you...Moxxie

[camilla wipes embryonic fluid off newborn Moxxie's face. Cut to clips of Moxxie's childhood, egg travels plays in background showing his relationship with his mother, but then transition to Moxxie and crimson in the body dumping grounds. Camilla's heel shown in the water]

Crimson: this is what happens when ya cross me

[cut to adult Moxxie and Chaz in bank robbery, Moxxie is left behind and thrown in prison, but meets blitzo]

Blitzo: I'm Blitz, the O is silent! I'm sure we're gonna get along just fine

[Moxxie faintly smiles. Screen fades to black and then shows Moxxie meeting Millie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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