Chapter 1 - Chapter 5

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Chapter 1 |

"So..." Liv leaned back on the couch. "How much do you owe?" She asked.

"Over 60,000." Y/N sighed cleaning up the paper plates on the table. "It's fine Liv—I'll—I'll get the money...slowly but I'll get it."

"Please let me ask my parents Y/N, they paid my student loans." Liv leaned forward. Y/N shook her head, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah well that's because they are your parents." Y/N mumbled. "And they have been generous before—"

"Paying for pizza a couple times isn't considered generous Y/N." Liv laughed.

"It is to me." She said, throwing the garbage in the bin by the counter.

"It's polite, generous would be them helping with your loans—" She said picking up a few papers on the table in front of her. "And it would help if you didn't move every few months, you are always moving—are you seriously looking for another apartment?" She asked.

"I'm moving soon—I'm just...I'm just keeping an eye on them." Y/N mumbled.

"Well." Liv stood up. "This time I wouldn't complain because of Ian next door." She said walking over to her best friend. "But then you'd move again in like two months—"

"Less than that." Y/N sighed. "I just—I need to get like three jobs." She looked toward Liv.

"You already have two." Liv said. "Don't stretch yourself thin Y/N."

"Well they cut my hours at the coffee shop." Y/N mumbled. "So I'm gonna quit there, I just need something...something with a lot of tips."

"Like a strip club?" Liv asked. Y/N heated up and shook her head.

"Funny. No, never—I don't....I don't have enough confidence to do that." She swallowed and shuttered a little. "" Liv laughed.

"I was kidding, I know you would never do that." She smiled. "But that's a lot of tips—and—beauty wise, you could do it."

"Gee thanks." Y/N mumbled, her hand moving through her hair.

"It's a compliment!" Liv giggled. Y/N sighed, leaning against the counter.

"You are saying that I look good in just my underwear." She mumbled.

"Yeah well you do." Liv laughed. "Also, you have to have a pretty face. And you have a very pretty face." She grinned.

"Well I'm not using my face for money." Y/N swallowed. "That is...demeaning."

"When you are 60,000 in debt it might something to consider." Liv smiled. "And besides, it's not prostituting yourself, it's using your assets."

"My assets are reserved" Y/N turned around. Liv sighed, her eyes moving to the door as a knock came from it.

"I got it." She mumbled, walking toward it and peaked through the peephole. "Kayla!" She grinned, opening the door.

"Hey." She grinned, sneaking through the door. "So." The blonde looked at Liv and then Y/N. "I got you a job." She smiled, her hand moving to her blue bag that was over her shoulder.

"Seriously?" Y/N leaned forward.

"It's not at a strip club is it?" Liv joked, closing the door. Kayla paused and shrugged. Y/N eyes widened and she shook her head.

"No, no, no, no." She muttered. "No way, I did not just graduate to be a stripper."

"Just hear me out." Kayla laughed walking into the room, putting the sheet on the table. "It is a strip club, but you would be a waiter." She looked at Y/N. "Just serve drinks and food."

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