Chapter 17 - Chapter 20

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Chapter 17 |

"So." Harry looked up at her from the counter. "Moving in." He grinned. "Looks like you are part of the family sis." Y/N let out a breath and rolled her eyes.

"Will you and Sam stop with the 'sis' nickname, I'm not your sister." Y/N mumbled from where she sat at the counter. Harry grinned and shrugged.

"You are living in my brother's house, where we both live and—"

"I'm not your sister!" Y/N laughed shaking his head. "And if Tom hears you say that—"

"He has." Harry smirked. "He didn't correct me." Y/N raised her eyebrows and bit her lip, hiding the wide smile on her face. She looked down at her tea, tucking some hair behind her ear. "I should have recorded your reaction to that, I'm pretty sure that's the definition of 'smitten.'" Harry teased. Y/N looked up at him, still smiling a little. She grabbed the towel that was next to her and through it at him. Harry caught it easily.

"Thank you." He smirked, using the towel to wipe the excess water from the counter.

"Prick." Y/N mumbled picking up her tea and holding the warm cup between her hands. Harry chuckled leaning against the opposite counter.

"You sure you are okay with moving in?" He asked. Y/N nodded.

"I'd rather here than live somewhere else." She sighed. "Especially because I mentioned it and later that day he gave me a couple papers of some of the most expensive apartments in the city." Harry raised his eyebrows. "They had pools!" She explained. "And four bedrooms! Why the fuck do I need four bedrooms?" She mumbled looking down at her tea. Harry chuckled.

"Well in case you puke in one—" Harry started before Y/N reached out throwing the nearest thing at him, which happened to be some napkins. Which didn't get far, causing Harry to chuckle.

"I regret telling you that." She mumbled. Harry grinned leaning forward.

"Well you did." He smiled. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna puke in your bed." Y/N mumbled, looking away. Harry chuckled again, turning to look at the doorway as his brother entered the kitchen.

"Hey princess." Tom murmured, looking at Y/N before glancing at his brother. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of athletic shorts. Y/N looked away from his post workout look that made him look irresistible.

"He was talking to me." Harry grinned. "Hello my prince." He grinned, looking at his brother. Tom raised his eyebrows a small smile on his face that grew larger as Y/N giggled.

"He's my prince." Y/N smiled, sipping at her drink. Tom smiled grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Call me king sweetheart." He winked, with a smirk. "Are you ready?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"For..." Y/N trailed off. Tom raised his eyebrows, lifting his arms to gesture her to look at her his outfit.

"Boxing?" Tom asked. "You said you wanted to learn." Y/N paused and flushed at the thought of that.

"I don't...I don't remember saying that." She responded. Tom smirked.

"Yes, you did though. And I asked you yesterday if you wanted to start today and you said yes." He smiled a little bit.

"I was half asleep you can't hold me to that!" Y/N exclaimed.

"To be fair darling, you are often half asleep." Tom chuckled. "Come on, lets go."

"I have to drink my tea." Y/N said sipping the liquid. "I have to finish it." She gave tom a teasing look. Tom smiled a little and nodded. He walked toward her as she put the cup on the counter.

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