Chapter 12 - Chapter 16

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Chapter 12 |

Tom sighed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling above him. Sun shown from the windows on the left and he sighed again. He should get up. He had a meeting in an hour. But of course he didn't want to move from where he lay. Y/N rested right next to him, her hand resting on his chest as her head just by his. Tom had turned his head several times, giving her forehead a few soft kisses as the time wore on. She had slept contently, curling into him. She look so perfect and peaceful, resting against him.

Tom sighed again, looking over at his phone that buzzed with an incoming text. He reached over, grabbing it from the bedside table.

Harrison: Mate you up? We have a meeting in an hour.

Tom let out another breath, his right hand typing back a message.

Tom: Push it an hour.

He hit send and dropped the phone to the right of his body, looking back at Y/N who hadn't woken from her slumber. 7 years. He thought, his mind running through the conversation of very early this morning.

All of a sudden, Y/N's hand moved on his chest and she stretched, rolling over a little in the bed. Tom let his grip on her loosen as she yawned, her eyes blinking open.

"Morning darling." Tom murmured, his voice gruff. She jumped, glancing at him before her hand moved and covered her face. "Didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled at her reaction.

"It''s fine." Her hand left her face and she yawned again. "Just not used people being in bed in with me." Tom smirked a little.

"People?" He asked. "I'm the only one here love." Y/N blushed a little, her fingers moving through her hair.

"I m-mean I'm just...just usually alone." She yawned. "Oh my god I'm so tired." She whispered and rubbed her eyes.

"I have a meeting soon." Tom murmured. "But feel free to go back to sleep darling." Y/N sighed.

"I should go back to my room then." She whispered.

"Oh no love, stay here—no sense in moving." Tom leaned up and stretched. "I just got to remember to tell Martha you are here so she doesn't interrupt you." Tom looked down at her again. "Usually there's no one in here but me."

"Usually?" Y/N asked, turning over and looked at him.

"Yeah usually, meaning you are the exception." Tom smiled. Y/N frowned shook her head. Tom smirked a little. "Martha isn't used to finding girls in my bed." He leaned closer to her. "In fact, you are the first one who's been in it." Y/N flushed red.

"Right." She whispered, pulling the pillow closer to her and snuggled into it. Tom chuckled, shaking his head.

"Get some rest darling." He smiled down at her before he got up from the bed, his hand running through his messy curls.


Y/N's eyes opened and she sighed, her eyes adjusting to the light around her. She leaned up, getting a good look at Tom's room for the first time. The walls were dark blue and all the furniture was made of a dark wood, furnished to perfection. The bed was up a couple steps and had walls about 7 feet away from each side. Before her and down the steps there were couches and a TV. To the left was his bathroom, and the right was probably a breakfast room.

Y/N sighed, moving out of the dark sheets and got to her feet. She yawned, her hands running through her messy hair as she walked down the steps heading toward his dresser. She let out a breath, picking up his cologne and brought it up to her nose. Tom. That was his smell. It was a tiny bit different but was still him. She bit her lip, uncovering the cap before she spayed some on his sweatshirt, smiling at the smell. She put the glass down, turning to enter his bathroom. She smiled, twirling around a little in his sweatshirt.

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