Chapter 21 - Chapter 24

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Chapter 21 |

Y/N stared down at the phone in front of her, her lip moving from between her teeth. She felt tempted to dip into into his messages, to read more information about the situation that was causing so much drama. She sighed, clicking on the phone number of her best friend instead and put the phone up to her ear. It rang, and she let out a breath, waiting for her Liv to pick up.

"Haz? She answered after the first ring. "Where are you—I thought you were going to come by, for late lunch? Maybe stay the night again, I hate being here alone..." Liv rushed out. Y/N bit her lip, her heart calming at her best friends voice. "Haz?" She asked when Y/N didn't respond.

"Hey Liv." Y/N mumbled. There was a pause and the quietness throughout the room made Y/N a little nervous.

"Y/N?" Liv whispered. "Y/N? Oh my god Y/N where are you? Are you okay? Please tell me you are safe—"

"I am, I am." Y/N bit her lip. "I'm...not sure where I am and even if I did, I don't think that Tom would want me to say the address over the phone."

"Wait, wait. Tom?" She asked. "He's there? I thought he, I thought he was trying to kill you." Y/N let out a breath and shook her head, forgetting that Liv couldn't see her.

"He's not." She wet her lips. "He um," She swallowed. "All of it was planned." Y/N breathed and bit her lip.

"Planned?" Liv asked. "What do you mean."

"I mean he...he had Nikki take me away, and is, is pretending to want to kill me so he's close with Dom..." She bit her lip. "He never stopped Liv...he never stopped loving me or anything it was all to protect me." There was a silence on the line.

"And you believe him?" Liv asked. Y/N paused, a chill running down her back.

"S-should I?" She whispered.

"I don't know Y/N, I have...little information." Liv breathed. "The last thing I knew was that he went to a random girl's house and slept with her."

"He didn't." Y/N swallowed. "I mean, that was a lie." She continued. "He came to me instead."

"You are sure? He didn't with...with anyone?" Liv asked. Y/N paused, doubt filling her.

"Y-yeah I think so." She whispered. "I mean I...I really think so."

"Are you sure this isn't all a trick?" Liv asked. Y/N bit her lip and let out a shaky breath.

"I don't, I don't think so." She whispered. "Shit, I s-shouldn't have...I shouldn't have s-slept with him—"

"Wait, you slept with him?" Liv asked. Y/N bit her lip, tears coming to her eyes. She let out a heavy breath and closed her eyes.

"Y-yeah, last night." She swallowed. "I..." She bit her lip. "I thought he loved me." She whispered.

"Y/N—" Liv started before her voice was cut off by another incoming call. Y/N moved the phone down and looked at the person calling. Dominic Holland. Her heart beat faster as fear entered her. She bit her lip getting up from the bed and moving into the kitchen. There were loud voices as she stopped in the room, her hands shaking.

"I don't fucking care about that Tom you fucking lied—"

"Boys." Nikki murmured, looking at Y/N. A silence crept through the room as Y/N swallowed.

"Um." She swallowed, giving the phone to Harrison, avoiding Tom's gaze. "He's...he's c-calling you."

"Who's calling me?" Harrison took the phone looking down at the screen. "Fuck, Tom—" The mobster stood up, taking the phone. He let out a breath, his jaw clenching. He answered the call, holding it to his ear and backing away.

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