Chapter 6 - Chapter 11

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Chapter 6 |

"Okay bye!" Y/N giggled waving good bye to Kayla and Emma. "Thanks guys!" She smiled as she exited her apartment building. The night was colder than usual, and it made her bare legs shiver as she walked through the cold air. She hated coming back so late, but it was Kayla's birthday so...that lead to drinks, drinks and more drinks.

Y/N sighed, pressing the bottom that called for the elevator and bit her lip waiting for the ding. It always took so fucking long. She let out a breath her hand running through her hair as she pulled down the tight skirt that Liv made her wear—calming she looked 'stunning'.

The elevator opened and Y/N stepped in, adjusting the bag in her hand. She pressed the button for the third floor, her arms wrapping around her waist. The door began to the close before a hand stopped it and caused it to open again. Y/N eyes met Ian's as he stepped in the elevator next to her.

"Hey Y/N." He smiled.

"Uh—" Y/N looked at the door, mentally cursing as it closed. "Hi Ian." She swallowed.

"You are looking really nice." He commented.

"Thanks." Y/N swallowed again.

"Reason why?" He asked.

"What?" Y/N turned toward him, wishing that it would quickly get to their floor. He wreaked of alcohol.

"Why are you dressed so nicely?" He asked.

"Uh—friends, friends birthday." Y/N swallowed, and nodded a little.

"Well," Ian smiled as the elevator still didn't move fast enough. "That skirt is pretty sexy." Y/N swallowed.

"Thanks." She responded, looking away from him.

"Really sexy actually." He moved closer.

"T-thanks." Y/N responded, moving away a little, clutching her bag slightly. "Um—can, can you not be so close—" Her words were caught in her throat as she was shoved into the wall of the elevator. "Ian—"

"Shh baby, just be quiet—" Ian muttered, his hands finding hers and pinned them to the wall. Y/N struggled as her bag dropped to the ground. Shit.

"Let—let me go—" She struggled, her voice quiet as fear struck her.

"It's unfair of you to look that sexy sweetheart," He whispered, one of his hands moving to move down to pull up her tight skirt. "Shouldn't be allowed." He smirked as his lips pressed against her neck.

"Stop it—" She struggled against him.

"Shhh..." He moved, his hand moving up her skirt. A tear ran down Y/N's cheek as she struggled. Fuck she couldn't even go anywhere. She swallowed, allowing his hand to move further in order to distract him. The last thing that she wanted was for him to press stop on the elevator, which he might to if she tried to escape.

"P-please don't—" She involuntary tried to push him away. His hands were on her bare him as he ripped the material of her skirt. She felt his fingers hook her underwear as her hands tried to tug away from his firm pressure on her wrists. Y/N tried to move her legs, but he stopped her, his hands moving her underwear down her legs to above her knees. The elevator dinged and opened at their floor and Y/N pushed with all her might off him. He staggered back falling on the floor, clearly shocked at her sudden strength. Y/N reached for her bag quickly, digging in it trying to find the the small can.

Ian moved up as Y/N pulled out the pepper spray and sprayed it in his direction. He cried out, calling back on the floor, covering his eyes. Y/N blinked a lot, fighting the pepper spray that met her eyes but managed to get out of the elevator. She struggled to run to her apartment, due to the underwear that was still around her knees. She fell once on the carpet, tears in her eyes but got up quickly, walking quickly toward her apartment. She struggled to open the door, her hands shaking as she turned the key in her door and swung the door open. Y/N entered the room, pushing the door closed after her and locked it as quickly as she could.

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