What? I like sugar. Sue me

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I skip down to the entrance of the tomb, where Stefan is trapped.

I thought I'd bring him breakfast and keep him company.

"Stefan." I call out into the cave.

A few seconds later I hear footsteps getting closer until finally Stefan is standing at the entrance.

"Good morning! I brought you muffins and a coffee. I wasn't sure how you take your coffee so I just made it like mine. If you don't like it I ca-"

"It's fine. Thank you Ivy." He chuckles, cutting off my rambling.

"Right, well here you go." I hand over the food.

"So how are things going in there?" I ask, referring to Katherine.

"About how you'd expect." He replies, sipping the coffee. He coughs before trying to cover it up.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing it's great!" He fake smiles. "Just out of curiosity, how much sugar did you put in here?"

"Uh... a lot."

He laughs at my comment.

"What I like sugar? Sue me."

"Thank you." He smiles widely.

"Sorry about the coffee."

"Not for the coffee."

"For what then?" I ask, confused.

"It sucks being trapped in here with Katherine. You visiting is nice."

"Oh there's no need to thank me, Stefan. You're my friend."

Before he can reply Damon walks into the room.

After explaining what he'd done to keep Elena away from the tomb, Stefan and I sit in silence for a moment.

"You trapped her in the house?" Stefan asks incredulously.

"It's for the best. Trust me. Elena is on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits. You should be glad the witch and I are getting along." Damon replies.

"Bonnie isn't that bad. I don't know why you can't be friends." I try to explain.

"Well that's because you try to become friends with everyone you make eye contact with." Damon retorts.

"Very funny."

"Here I brought you this." He holds out a bottle of blood to Stefan, ending our prior conversation.

"Give that to me, and I'm gonna have to share it with her." Stefan replies, referring to Katherine who's standing a little further away.

"What, so you can accept Baby's muffins, but my blood isn't good enough?" Damon questions.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now