Bump in the night

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Not gonna lie, this entire day pretty much sucked for me.

Bonnie and Elena went out of town to see said witch's mom, who she hasn't contacted in years, for a reason they would not disclose to me.

However, Nik did tell me. And of course it was to find a way to take my boyfriend down.

So Nik told me that he had a plan to get the coffins back, he wouldn't tell me exactly what the plan was, but he swore that no one would die, so I just spent my day reading and worrying.

After the stress filled day, Nik showed up with two pieces of wonderful news.

"Angel? How are you?" Nik's smooth voice sounds through my bedroom.

I smile at him, getting off my bed and trapping him in a hug.

"Better now that you're here."

He chuckles, pulling back and planting a light kiss on my lips. "I have good news." He smiles.

"Oooh, what is it?" I ask excitedly.

He chuckles at my behavior before answering.

"Well number one, I've finished renovating a house that I bought here. I've prepared a room for you and I would love for you to stay there with me. You can always come back here if you like, but I would enjoy your company."

"Awww Niky! I'd love to stay with you!" I squeal, leaving feathery light kisses all over his face.

"Wonderful." He grins.

"Wait, what was the second one?" I ask curiously.

"Ah yes. I've saved  the best for last. I have retrieved  my family." He explains.

"You got Eli and Bekah!" I ask, my eyes wide with excitement.

He nods, causing me to squeal and jump around a bit.

He laughs, pulling me into a tight hug. Okay, so maybe today didn't suck that bad.


After gathering some clothes into a bag, Nik took me over to his literal mansion. I was a little intimidated by the size but when I got to the room he decorated for me, I was pleasantly surprised to find a cozy atmosphere that fit my taste perfectly.

Basically as soon as I got into bed I fell asleep, happy that everything worked out for Nik so far.


My eyes shoot open as my peaceful sleep is interrupted by a loud crashing noise.

My heartbeat increases as I listen to what sounds like struggling and the noise of voices I can't make out.

I warily get out of bed, grabbing the closest thing I could use as a weapon, that thing just so happened to be a small vase holding fake flowers.

I took the flowers out and clutched the vase tight as I tried to quietly walk down the stairs.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now