Cold shoulder

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Y'all it's gonna seem like Ivy is mad at Nik for a stupid reason or that she's overreacting but I need it for the plot so don't go crazy pls ❤———

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Y'all it's gonna seem like Ivy is mad at Nik for a stupid reason or that she's overreacting but I need it for the plot so don't go crazy pls ❤

Last night Nik had left to go and help Jeremy with his hunter's mark.

Nik had turned a bunch of people into vampires for Jeremy to kill, but Kol had shown up and killed then instead because he's scared of this creepy guy named Silas.

Unfortunately, Jeremy refused to stop his efforts for the cure, so Kol had resorted to trying to hunt down Jeremy and eradicate the hunter.

Anyway, Nik was back by the time I woke up.

He told me Elena was coming over and I agreed to sit with him, although I had been giving him the cold shoulder for killing Carol Lockwood.

So Nik and I are currently sitting on a sofa next to each other, in the living room, in front of a lit fireplace.

I purposely lean my legs away from him to show that I'm upset.

Elena is sitting on the other sofa opposite us while giving a harsh glare.

"A bit ironic, you coming to me for help. Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb?" Nik says.

"This is your fault. You started this when you tried to force Jeremy to kill those vampires." Elena spits.

"And now my little brat of a brother has gone and made things worse. Well, he never did like Damon. I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?" Nik asks rhetorically, speaking about Kol.

"Call him off, Klaus." Elena orders.

"You are in no position to make demands, love. Whilst I'd like to cure you to make more hybrids, I do have other reasons for finding the cure, not the least of which is destroying it so you lot can't use it against me." Nik says.

Nik then tries to grab my hand in his, but I let mine go limp and slide it out from under his.
( A/N: All too well short film who?)

He looks at me with concern for a second before turning back to Elena when I don't acknowledge him.

"Whatever our differences, we want the same thing. Please, Klaus, I'm begging you." Elena pleads.

Nik smiles at her then rolls his eyes as he gets out his cell phone. He calls Kol and puts him on speaker.

Whenever I'm there and he makes a call he always puts it on speaker because I once told him I like listening to people's conversations.

"Little brother. Just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess." Nik greets.

"Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun." Kol replies.

"Those vampires were for my hunter." Nik grumbles.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now