You know you love me

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Last night was difficult to say the least.

Damon was heartbroken over Rose's death. I spent the entire night consoling him.

He also told me that just before he found me in the basement, he had lost control and killed a woman.

It was rough. Damon puts up a strong exterior, but he's hurting, deeply.

Since I was in his room trying to cheer him up almost all night, I eventually passed out in his bed.

I stir from my sleep when I hear the steady sound of the shower stop.

Damon walks out of the bathroom, bidding me a good morning, which I return.

He stops to look at the tv, where a news woman is reporting on a missing lady name Jessica.

The same Jessica Damon had killed last night.

"Damon." I put my hand on his shoulder, making him look away from the tv. "You're gonna be fine." I reassure, squeezing him in a tight hug.

"Thank you, for being there last night." He says quietly.

"I'll always be there when you need me, Damon." I promise him.


A little while later Damon, Stefan, and I are congregated in Stefan's room, discussing Stefan's latest endeavors.

"You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big "save Elena" move?" Damon questions in a mocking tone.

"I went to go look for Isobel, and I get John instead. He said he can help us, and we're desperate." Stefan explains his motives.

"We're not that desperate, Stefan. The guy tried to barbecue me!" Damon exclaims.

"Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah, so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed . Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him. He's an Original, he can't be trusted. It's not like we can just go up and kill him, because apparently, he can't die!"

"Why don't you trust Elijah? He's done nothing but live up to his word and keep you safe." I defend Elijah.

"Look, Ivy, I know it might feel nice that he's protecting you and all, but he seriously cannot be trusted." Stefan says.

"He's not protecting me?" I respond, confused.

"What do you mean? Did he already go back on the deal?" Damon chimes in.

"No. I wasn't on Elena's protection list." I explain simply.

There's a long beat of silence before I speak up again.

"In fact, he came by to tell me to be careful because he wouldn't be protecting me. Why would he do that if he were just going to betray you?"

They don't seem to have an answer as they just look at their feet.

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now