Let them eat cake

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After Esther made her big announcement of wanting to bring her family back together, everyone kind of stood around talking amongst themselves.

I stood in the corner with Nik, his fingers brushing through my hair from behind.

I look up from my feet when I hear someone walking towards us.

"Hello Ivy." Esther greets.

"Hi." I smile, sending her a little wave.

"You are just as beautiful as you were when I first saw you." She compliments.

"You saw her?" Nik asks curiously.

"Yes. When I cast the soulmate spell I had a vision of this lovely young woman." She explains.

"Well, it's great to meet you." I smile.

"You as well my dear. I'm glad Niklaus has found his other half." She says, turning and walking off with Finn following.

"Do you think she liked me?" I whisper, turning myself around to face Nik.

"Of course, angel. I think it might be impossible to dislike you." He responds.

"Tell that to Elena." I snort.

He simply pulls me into a hug in response.

"Sorry to break up this adorable little moment, but I'd like to meet the newest addition to the family." I hear Kol's voice from behind me.

Nik rolls his eyes, reluctantly ending the hug.

"I'm Kol. The best Mikaelson." He introduces, holding his hand out.

"Hi. I'm Ivy." I smile, putting my hand in his.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smirks, kissing the back of my hand.

"Back off Kol." Nik groans, annoyed.

"I'm just glad you finally showed up. He talked about you almost incessantly. The only good thing about being daggered was finally escaping his constant whining." Kol says.

I giggle as Nik shoots him a glare.


The next morning i woke to the smell of something sweet. I inhaled the aroma, taking in the delicious scent.

I couldn't help but grin as I see Nik walk through the door with a tray holding waffles and bacon.

"Happy birthday, my Angel." He says softly, placing the tray in front of me on the bed.

"How'd you know?" I giggle.

"I have my ways." He smirks, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Thank you, Nik."

His angel ~a Klaus Mikaelson x OC love story~Where stories live. Discover now