Chapter 1

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It was her first day at U.A High school. Seiko wandered the halls, looking for class 3A when she saw a group of students standing around outside of a classroom. She caught the eyes of a blonde haired boy who shot her a glare and looked away. Seiko approached him curiously, "Excuse me? This is class 3A, correct?" she asked. The boy glanced at her and rolled his eyes before turning back to the group he had been talking to. Seiko's eyebrows furrowed and she reached over to tap him on the shoulder. He swatted her hand away scoffing, "Are ya lost or somethin?!" Seiko stood shocked, retreating her hand quickly. He rolled his eyes again and pointed up at the sign above the door that read '3A', "Can't ya read, idiot? The sign is right there.." he grumbled. Seiko looked up at it, then down at the ground, embarrassed, "Oh... sorry" she muttered. Bakugo scoffed at her response and turned away, acting like she wasn't even there. She sighed deeply, 'Off to a great start already' she thought to herself.

She looked up and saw another blonde haired boy with a black streak in it. He smiled at her apologetically and waved. She returned the gesture. He started walking over to her, "Hey, I'm sorry about my friend Bakugo. He can be a bit hot-headed sometimes" he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, offering her a small smile. She smiled lightly, "No worries. My name is Seiko Kurosawa" she stuck her hand out to shake his. He looked at her hand and reached out to shake it, "Nice to meet you, Kurosawa! I'm Kaminari Denki" he beamed at her. She giggled, "You can call me Seiko, no need for formalities." His smile widened and he nodded, "Then you can call me Kaminari! Wanna sit next to me?" She nodded her head and Aizawa called the students into the classroom.

Seiko slung her bag off her shoulder and took a seat next to Kaminari while Bakugo sat on the other side of him with a red haired boy on his other side, who she later learned was named Kirishima. Bakugo looked over at her and rolled his eyes. She sighed and took out her notebook and pencil to take notes.

Class went by rather fast and Seiko began putting away her things when she saw a hand reaching out in front of her. She looked up and saw Kaminari holding out his hand to her, "Wanna walk to the next class together?" She stood up, taking his hand and smiled. As they were walking, he was rambling on about his previous years at U.A. and told her about a funny thing he, Bakugo, and Kirishima did the other week which made her giggle. He looked at her blushing, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. She smiled at him, "Hey, can we exchange phone numbers? I don't really know anyone else here yet.." He looked surprised, "Oh, sure! Here." They exchanged phones and put their numbers in each others contacts. "Thanks, Kaminari" She beamed at him. His blush deepened.

Seiko's first day had been exhausting, but she was happy to be there. She sighed and began wondering about her old friend Tenko. She felt like she barely knew him anymore. She was sad that she didn't feel closer to him like she used to. She missed being around him... Seiko entered her dorm and she dropped her bag onto the floor and laid down in bed. She sighed contently as sleep came over her. As she began to drift off to sleep, she thought about him again, but the feeling of sadness disappeared once she drifted off into slumber.  That night, Seiko dreamt about Tenko.

Author's Note:

There is a reason Seiko refers to Tomura as his original name, Tenko. But we'll get to that later. His parts that are written from his perspective are written with the name Tomura, as that's what he refers to himself as.

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