Chapter 17

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(SPOILERS! Do not read if you haven't finished season 6)

Once they split up and began searching around town, Kaminari looked at Tomura, "Can I ask you a question?" Tomura huffed out a breath, "Sure, whatever." "Why did you lie to Seiko and why were you with her last night?" Tomura stopped in his tracks and glared at him, "So she told you about that? It was a misunderstanding and she forgave me, so drop it." Kaminari raised his hands defensively, "Sorry, man, it's just she's my best friend and she was really messed up after that incident". Tomura continued walking, looking straight ahead. "So, um, how did you two meet? She mentioned you guys grew up together-" Kaminari started. "What's with all the questions, huh?" Tomura cut him off. Kaminari looked at the ground. Tomura sighed, "Well, Seiko's parents weren't around much and were struggling financially so they decided to take her to live with me and my family. They just abandoned her with us. Our parents were friends and they really liked Seiko, so they didn't mind taking her in. She fit right in with us. Her quirk actually developed when mine did... She was there when I accidentally killed my entire family... She and I were abused by my dad just for wanting to become heroes and when he tried to kill me when I accidentally killed everyone else, she protected me. Used her quirk against him and turned him to dust..." Tomura trailed off, stopping and facing Kaminari who was listening closely.

Kaminari's mouth hung slightly open, "Holy shit" he mumbled. Tomura glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. He chuckled lightly, shaking his head, "Yeah, 'holy shit', kid." "I'm sorry you guys went through that. That's fucking insane.." Kaminari felt his heart ache. Tomura waved his hand dismissively, "It's the past, it happened, we can't change it, and now we move on, okay?" Kaminari furrowed his brows, feeling upset. "But still.. I'm sorry you both went through that." "Let's just focus on getting Seiko back, okay?" Tomura said. Kaminari nodded.
Seiko opened her eyes and groaned. She looked around the room, confused. The last thing she remembered was seeing Tenko then everything had gone black. She recalled his strange demeanor and sat up, rubbing her neck at the aching pain. Her eyes widened in fear as she noticed she wasn't in her room anymore.  She was in some kind of dark room with nothing around but some kind of table. "Where am I?" she muttered, sitting upright slowly. The only light was coming in from a slit in the door. Seiko stood and started pacing around nervously. A few minutes passed until the door suddenly swung open. Toga skipped into the room and clapped her hands excitedly, "You're awake!  Finally!" she squealed, grinning ear to ear. "Toga...? Where's Tenko?" Seiko asked cautiously. Toga smiled, flashed her teeth,  "Oh~ You mean my sweet Tomu~?" Seiko's heart began racing again. "Where is he!?" "He doesn't matter right now.  All that matters is that you're here!! Isn't that great~?" Toga grinned widely and Seiko stared at the door behind her. "Toga.. please tell me what's going on.." she pleaded, turning back to look at the villainess. Toga cackled softly, "Don't worry, sweetheart~. We have a very important meeting to get to" She cocked her head to the side, smiling dangerously. 

Kirishima, Kaminari, Bakugo, and Tomura were still searching desperately for any sign of Toga or Seiko.  They were almost ready to give up entirely when the group met back up in the center of the city. "Well, any luck?" Kirishima asked. "Nope...Did we miss something?", Kaminari asked. Tomura ran his hand through his blue hair when suddenly he spoke up, "Toga mentioned she might inform All for One of Seiko and her quirk. Last time I was able to stop her, but she may have changed her mind..." Bakugo glared at him, "So you knew that and didn't think to tell us?!" he snapped. Tomura narrowed his eyes at him, "Well, I mentioned it now. Let's go and check." Bakugo huffed and they followed Tomura. They reached where All for One was staying and entered quietly. Suddenly, they heard Toga's voice, "Look what I brought you~"

All for One leaned forward in interest, "My... Look how grown up you've become" He said to Seiko. Seiko looked up at him in disgust and confusion, "What are you talking about?" She spat. The boys who were hidden around the corner looked upon the scene in worry. All for One let out a loud laugh, "Oh, I apologize. Let me introduce myself properly, young one. I am All for One and you, my young one, are my daughter"

Tomura's face paled considerably and he stumbled backward. His voice cracked when he finally whispered, "Seiko..." The other three boys paled as well, mouths dropped in shock at what they had just heard. All for One called out, "I know you're there. You boys can come out now." The three boys emerged from the shadows slowly, all looking terrified. Seiko turned around and felt a tear run down her cheek.  Tears sprung forth from her eyes and she quickly turned away from them. "Come now, my dear. Don't look so sad. I didn't mean to upset you. From what I hear, you have a very powerful quirk. Now I'm going to give you two options..." He trailed off. "Either you give me your quirk or you can become my successor. I wouldn't offer that if you were not my child, so think hard about what you choose." Everyone's eyes widened in shock.  Bakugo clenched his fists so tightly that he could see veins popping out from his knuckles, he growled and yelled, "That's not fucking fair!!" All for One smiled, "And yet, I would love to test her quirk out on you. Would you like that?" Seiko looked up at Bakugo, shaking her head with pleading eyes. The anger in Bakugo's expression faded and was replaced with sadness.  He took a deep breath before backing away.

"Good boy, that's what I thought." All for One replied happily. "Now then, let us continue the discussion, my dear daughter. Tell me, which of these two options do you choose?"  he asked her. Seiko was silent for several moments while thinking about it. She looked at the others briefly before saying, "I'll become your successor."

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