Chapter 14 (🍋)

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(alright ladies, get your playlists ready and remember, keep both hands on the phone 😉)

Tomura sat down on the bed first, pulling her down onto his lap and kissing her passionately. Seiko kissed him back eagerly, tangling her hands in his hair. He rolled her underneath him, making her squeak with surprise, causing him to chuckle.
"Hm, so eager..." He teased. She blushed profusely, giggling sheepishly. He chuckled again and moved above her, hovering over her. She gazed up at him and bit her lip as she saw the look in his eyes. He was staring right back at her hungrily. "Tenko..." She whispered. She watched as his eyes drifted briefly down to her lips before meeting hers once more. His hands ran up her thighs and rested firmly on her ass, lifting her slightly so that he could kiss her properly. She moaned slightly when he placed his full weight on her, his hardness pressing against her abdomen. He slowly trailed his lips along her jaw and down to her neck, nipping her tenderly. Her eyes fluttered closed as she melted into his embrace.

He trailed kisses down her neck and chest, kissing and sucking on every part of her exposed skin, his lips gliding down her stomach as she moved underneath him. She gripped the sheets below her, moaning loudly as his kisses trailed down her thighs, stopping momentarily to trail soft kisses up her inner thighs. Seiko gripped the sheets tightly, her body writhing at his touch. She moaned loudly as his warm lips placed hot kisses closer and closer to where she wanted him. Tomura spread her legs apart and gently brushed his tongue against her, circling her clit. She gasped slightly and let out a tiny moan when his mouth closed around her and sucked her clit, lightly nipping at it with his teeth. She arched her back slightly, grinding against his tongue. He let out a low growl of approval and slid two fingers inside her, stretching her tight entrance and pressing his thumb against her swollen clit.

Seiko let out a gasp and moaned, grabbing his hair. She tangled her fingers into it and arched her back, letting out a loud moan.
"Tenko!" she cried as she arched her head back and clenched her eyes tightly shut. His fingers thrust into her and she whimpered in pleasure, bucking her hips upward. He quickly added a third finger. He pumped them faster, causing her to writhe even more underneath him. She opened her mouth in a silent scream as she felt herself climaxing hard around his fingers. He pulled his fingers out and kissed her sweetly, smirking, "Good girl" he praised as she lay still underneath him, gasping for breath.

She sighed softly and leaned upwards to meet his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed her passionately as he ground his dick against her sensitive cunt. She moaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He smirked slightly at her, his eyes filled with lust. He slowly slid his tongue across her bottom lip and as of to ask for entrance. She let him in and their tongues swirled together as they kissed. Seiko moaned again as he lined himself up with her wet entrance, pushing inside of her. "Tenko." She breathed in his ear. She was trembling, feeling her body tighten up in pain and pleasure. Tomura looked at her knowingly, and she felt her body relax again. He moved slow at first, letting her adjust to the size of him then he began moving faster, fucking her harder. She let out a gasp of pleasure, gripping the sheets beneath her tightly.

"God, you're so fucking tight, princess" He groaned, continuing to pump his cock into her. She let out a shaky moan and she tightened her grip around his neck. She bit down on her lower lip harshly, her nails digging painfully into his skin as she fought to keep quiet, trying to contain her moans. "Seiko.." He said in between heavy breaths. 'Please.' 'More.' She begged silently. He smiled down at her knowingly and increased his pace. She let out a cry of pleasure. "Oh God! Yes!" Tomura smirked triumphantly as he started pumping his cock into her with more intensity. It was hard for her to hold herself together. She was already close again. She just needed a bit more.

"Please please please please ", She cried out feverishly. She clutched him desperately. Tomura let out a husky moan as he slammed into her one last time, filling her completely. Her body tensed up as she felt her walls tightening around him, squeezing him. "Fuuckk!" She cried, her voice hoarse with passion. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he rode the high of his orgasm, dick throbbing inside of her. After the euphoria died down, he pulled out, leaning closer to rest his forehead against hers.

The room was filled with heavy, labored breathing. They lay there quietly for several minutes, neither of them able to speak. They were both too spent to say anything.  Seiko laid beneath him, holding onto his muscular arms tightly. She reached up and stroked his cheek, feeling her heart race and her cheeks flush.
'I love you.' She thought to herself. He kissed her and rolled off of her to lay next to her, holding her close. She nuzzled her head into his chest and closed her eyes. Within moments Seiko fell asleep. Tomura stared at her peacefully sleeping form for a few moments. He couldn't believe what had just happened. In all honesty, he hadn't expected her forgive him, let alone do this with him after everything he put her through. But here she was. Sleeping peacefully next to him, looking like the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. He traced her face lovingly with one rough finger. She turned slightly in his arms, curling closer to his chest as if seeking protection, causing him to breathe out a small laugh.

"I love you, princess." He whispered, kissing the top of her head and closing his eyes.

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