Chapter 5

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They reached hideout and Seiko opened the door as all three of them stepped inside. "I'll get some water for him." Seiko called out. Dabi supported Tomura and headed towards the couch while Seiko grabbed water, the first aid kit, and a towel and walked over to where Tomura and Dabi were sitting. He looked extremely tired and frail. "Here you are, Tomura. Let me help clean you up." He took the water and drank deeply. Seiko kneeled down and slowly unwrapped the old bandage, gently dabbed the wound on his abdomen, disinfected the cuts, bandaged them up, trying not to hurt him too much. He hissed in pain and Seiko paused looking up at him. "I'm sorry, I know it hurts, I'm almost done, I promise." He nodded weakly.

After finishing taking care of him, she stood back and inspected her handiwork. She took a deep breath and sighed, "There, good as new. Now you should rest. You look pretty beat up." She chuckled softly. Tomura looked at her, "I think I had enough rest, I was dead after all" He said in a joking tone. Dabi let out a laugh at the comment. Seiko rolled her eyes, smiling weakly. "Fine, but if anything happens to you I won't hesitate to kick both of your asses." She threatened and then turned away heading towards the door. "See you around, Tenko. Please stay safe and please don't hesitate to text me or call me." She looked at him, almost pleading with him. Tomura nodded and watched her walk away.

Seiko woke up in a cold sweat, breathing hard. She clutched her heart as she laid there in bed. She looked down and frowned, realizing she was covered in sweat. She glanced at the alarm clock, which read 3:30 AM. She cursed softly and sat up in bed, remembering her nightmare. In the dream, she relived seeing Tenko lifeless and bleeding on the ground. She tried to use her quirk on him but instead it turned him to dust. Seiko shook her head as a tear slipped down her cheek. 'It was just a dream.. just a dream...' She thought to herself. She wiped her eyes and pulled the blanket off her. Sitting up in bed, she wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and got out of bed. She padded out of her room, and towards the fridge, opening it and pulling out a bottle of water. She twisted the cap open and took a gulp, then went back to bed. She lay down and stared at the ceiling, trying to forget the nightmare. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seiko yawned as she awoke. She stretched and looked over at her phone which sat on the table by her bedside. She blinked sleepily and picked up her phone, opening the message app. There was a message from Tomura.
Tenko: Hey, I wanted to check in. How are you feeling?
Seiko smiled at her phone, happy that he followed through with texting her after that horrible day. She typed a reply.
Seiko: I'm doing okay. More importantly, how are you feeling? Do you need me to stop by and check on your wounds?
Tenko: No. Don't bother. Everything's alright. It's mostly just bruising now.
Seiko: Good, I'm glad you're okay. Please let me know if you need anything and tell Dabi I'll kick his ass if he doesn't watch out for you.
She smiled and hit send
Tenko: Thanks lol But seriously, don't worry about me. I'm okay, I promise
Seiko: Okay okay, I'll stop worrying. But seriously, promise you'll call me or text me if you need anything.
Tenko: Of course. I will.
She put her phone down and got ready for the day.

After getting dressed and eating breakfast, she grabbed another bottle of water from the fridge and her bag and headed out the door.
The sun shone brightly as Seiko stepped outside. A few people were walking past her, talking excitedly about whatever they could. They noticed Seiko and waved and greeted her excitedly. Among them, she saw Kaminari. "Oh hi there! Where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you since the attack." He said.

She looked away sheepishly, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I had something I needed to take care of.." She replied. He looked at her with a look of slight concern, "Is everything okay?" He asked. Sophie looked at him for a moment, debating whether or not to tell him what happened. Finally, she sighed and ran a hand through her hair before replying. "Um...yeah. It's nothing major. I promise I'm fine" She smiled at him. He smiled back softly, "Okay...well you can always talk to me about it, you know?" He said, holding out his pinky finger to her. She giggled and linked hers with his, "Yeah, thanks. I know" He nodded and continued walking. As she walked with him, she thought over what she told Kaminari. Her smile faded as a frown took its place. She felt guilty about lying to him. It wasn't fair to him, he had been so nice to her. He had no idea who she really is and what her relationship with Tenko really was. Hell, she didn't even know what her relationship was with Kaminari. She knew she couldn't keep hiding this from him forever.

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