the start of everything

18 1 1

2 years ago

"Mia, baby sis do you have to move so far?" Asher asked. 

"Yes, I'm sorry big bro, I got into a girl band there in Ireland. you know how much I've wanted to travel there, now I got the chance. I'll try to call you every chance I can. I love you big bro." Mia responded. 

"Gate D16 economy, you may now board the plane, have your tickets out and ready." the employee said over the intercom in that area. 

"that's you safe baby sis. text me when u get there, please." Asher said. "Okay. love you big bro. thank you for everything you have done for me." Mia says as she kisses her brother's cheek and hugs him. "I'll miss you baby sis. be safe and send pictures when you get there. I love you too. now go have fun. tell me all about it and if you ever get home sick just call me okay sis?" Asher responded. 

"Okay big bro, I'll miss you too. bye big bro" Mia said as she gave her brother his last hug before going to get ready to get on the plane. 

present time

Mia's POV

Knocking on door. "Mia? can you let me in please?" Maya said softly from outside the door. "G-go a-awa-y M-may-a. I-I-m f-fin-e" I said while trying to hide that I was crying but failed. 

"Do you want me to go get Jackie?" May said softly again. 

"I-I d-do-nt k-no-w" I said. Everyone knows Jackie and I were the closest since we are the youngest and we clicked when we meet. I heard May's footsteps as she leaves my door. About five minutes later I hear Jackie's special knock. "c-come in" I said as I've calmed down a bit but not fully. Jackie comes in and closes the door then comes and hugs me. I hug her back and ends up crying again as she comforts me and helps me to calm down after a bit. She's my best friend ever since I've got here, she's the only one that has seen me cry out of all of them. Yes, they have heard me cry but never seen me cry unlike Jackie. 

"You okay M? you feel a little better?" Jackie asked me as I've finally calmed down almost completely. "Yes...thank you Jackie. I sorry you had to deal with me crying again.... it's just really breaking my heart that I'm the target of hate.... you guys are perfect enough that the haters don't hate on you's just me.... why do they not like me, Jackie? why...." I responded to Jackie. "I don't know M... I really don't...I see you as the perfect friend to all of us and the way you talk about your brother it's like you're proud of him. You really should ignore all of those hate comments, Mia. They aren't true, you are the prettiest bestie in the world to me. Your brown hair makes you look beautiful and uniquely gorgeous, you rock that brown hair. Honestly, I'm a jealous that you got such a pretty hair color and bestie your smile it lights up a room. You can just walk into a room with us in it when your happy and smiley it makes us all happy to see you happy. You mean a lot to us Mia. Now-" Jackie pauses as she looks at her watch to see what time it is. "-you should call your brother I bet talking to him will help you. I'll let you relax for a bit, and I'll let you know when dinner is ready." Jackie says. I smile at her knowing I'll be able to call my brother for an hour to three hours depending on when someone goes to make dinner. "Thanks Jackie. I love you, bestie. Thank you for being like a younger sister to me." I respond. She really is like a younger sister that is wiser than me. "Yep. I love you too, Mia. now go have fun talking to your brother. let him know I said hi." she said as she was getting up. "Okay will do. see you when you come let me know when dinner is ready. " I respond, getting up as well to get my computer.

I call my brother on video call and wait for him to pick up, but I got a surprise person answering the phone.

Hey y'all thanks for reading let me know how you like it. anyone have a guess on who answered the call? let me know in the comments.

lots of love your author.

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